The primroses are now stretching their fragile stems for one last glimpse of the sun before being overwhelmed by the fresh verdant grasses which will doom them to their hibernation . Stitchwort ,toadflax , bluebells and borridge have all come into their own and the first signs of cow parsley and Queen Anne's lace are unfurling in our Devon hedgerows .The May blossom is in full flower and the trees are donning their soft green mantels .The white candles are appearing on the horse chestnuts - it is all very satisfactory- May is glorious in Devon and the early signs are promising . The rooks are building high , oak is out before ash which means we are in for a splash rather than ash before oak , in for a soak . Country folklore - who knows - but I like to believe it is true .
Moving on: The primroses are now stretching... - PSP Association
Moving on
A lovely description Georgepa, as always. I could almost be there. Much colder in Kent I think so, although lots of primroses and bluebells in 'our' woods, we don't have that amazingly rich diversity of a Devon lane. We had snow yesterday and a vey chilly wind still today.
Hope you and V are getting on OK. Any news about the CHC appeal?
V x
We have a stage one meeting with a review panel on 23rd May. I have only just been provided with the relevant notes from the original assessment. It is all very complicated - designed to be I think .The original panel downgraded a number of domains - how they were able to do that without ever meeting my wife I have no idea ,
Another wonderful description Georgepa. As V said, we had snow in Kent, also hail, sleet, rain, thunder, sunshine and mighty wind. A few years ago we went to Minehead at Easter with lots of friends (Spring Harvest at Butlins). On our way home we had the weather we had yesterday whilst on the motorway. We were giving a lift to someone from Australia who only arrived on his first trip to the UK a couple of weeks earlier. He said he could never understand why Brits always spoke about the weather until then. He had never seen anything like it.
I hope it soon warms up so we can all take our darlings out for lovely walks.
Thanks for posting. It cheered me no end.
Cheered me too. In London we had sunshine and hail yesterday.
In general the signs of spring are here. I love the delicate early green leaves. But I remember the country lanes of my youth, in Yorkshire. Masses of flowers and birds, butterflies and bees. Can still find the country lanes in East Riding but not the profusion of bird life. Hedges are just coming back a bit but it will never be as it was. I'm too old !!
Jean x
Here in Yorkshire, our garden has been full of birds this year. I haven't fed them very well so they must like it that way.
In the last week, I have dried the washing in the morning sun on two days. Then we have had rain followed by sleet followed by snow. I have put my boots away, but my warm coat and wollies are definitely still on the agenda!
And the heavens opened and down came the rain, hail and snow!!!
This spring is crazy, our cherry tree is just coming into flower, it's seven years old and we have never seen it flower, because we have been out of the country. We are always back this week! So it's really late. What I want to know, was yesterday's snow, late winter, or the first of the new winter coming?????
Lots of love
George love your posts, I agree with heady ice was large pieces xxxxx