Well we took a road trip to central Fla. to pick up a lift chair for my husband. We stopped at a rest area to go to the bathroom. I called into the men's bathroom to make sure it was empty. There was men in there. I ask if they would assist my husband to the potty. They said sure. As soon as I let him go, he fell. He got to ride to the nearest hospital in the back of an ambulance. He got 7 stitches to the head. Just a little scare. He now does not want to walk with the walker. He wants the wheel chair. What a trip.
Fall: Well we took a road trip to central... - PSP Association

Oh, I'm so sorry! That was exactly my nightmare the last road trip we took this summer! I was utterly frightened at letting him go without me into the men's, but with the chaos in the rest areas there was often no choice. We even used a broken handicapped room, hell with it, once. I decided we'd never be able to travel again, but now he has a Foley catheter, and the possibilities are there again, if he can tolerate it, and if the UTIs don't get him first...my guy will NOT stay in wheelchair, though. Terrifying. Wish you luck, teach. Love, ec
Been on that same trip! He does still walk as long as I am by his side and his walker is in front! Please encourage him to walk...The less you do, the less you CAN do!
Isn't it wonderful that someone would assist a stranger to the bathroom.....
I hope the rest of the trip was less eventful....Is he able to use the lift chair...Is that like a recliner but it will also lift the patient to standing position?
Good Luck
I always worried every time my wife would go on her own into the ladies restroom. I bought special hearing aids that worked with a small microphone necklace that she would wear around her neck. It had great reception and I could hear everything ... the flush, hand washing, and a potential fall. When she could no longer go in there on her own and when their were no "family" or "companion" restrooms, I just took her into the men's room and told her to close her eyes. Nothing she's not already seen. 😊 If there were men already in there, none would ever object. But I'm sure if I took her into the ladies restroom, it wouldn't go over so well. But I can't imagine many women would object if a woman pushed a disabled man into the ladies restroom, especially if you gave a call out as you entered.
What a brilliant idea. Where did you get the hearing aid and microphone setup? I have been thinking about getting a baby monitor for home, but a mobile arrangement has clear advantages. What was the range?
I've always had a little hearing deficit (lighting too many cherry bombs as a kid), but when Kim's voice got softer and softer, I finally had my hearing checked and discovered this device from Oticon. oticon.com/products/wireles...
I purchased them through a non-profit hearing clinic that mostly serves the disabled and children. Since most insurance doesn't not cover hearing aids, including mine (and I'm the IT director for one of the largest in the country), I had to pay for it totally out of pocket (over $4600 US). For the first 3 or 4 years, it was certainly worth it. But once Kim's voice got so soft and more stammered, it wasn't worth using with her (ie. the companion microphone). But I still use it with my cellphone, because it allows me to use it hands-free. And it also is great while out for a long walk and listening to music via a bluetooth device. Of course, with Kim's current condition, those long walks are a thing of the pass.
Hopefully these and others on the market have come down in price. I bought mine back in 2011. As with most technology devices, it only gets better and cheaper.
Thanks for the information. Yes, hearing aids are shamefully expensive and not generally covered. My mother has lost a lot of her hearing and uses aids, although reluctant to spend the money. My father would never admit to having a problem although his own father became profoundly deaf in middle age. I'm figuring the odds are good that my own only fair hearing is going to continue to fade, too. Not being able to hear can be so alienating - as is not being able to talk, dang it.
How true. I have to admit, they do help me, especially when I'm in noisy places, like restaurants (places where I no longer am able to visit). Mine are really small and you can barely see them, whereas my dad's are huge. He gets his for free via the VA. He has a dresser drawer full of them and never wears them. And his hearing is really, really bad from shooting too many mortar shells while in the Army. Life farther, like son. We both liked things that go boom, only mine was by choice.
We got the baby monitor for home. I can see him, hear him, and talk to him through my cell phone. If there is movement in the room it sets off an alarm on my phone. I love this monitor. It cost $150 and goes through the router of the computer in our home.
I like your style mate. Which monitor is it? My dads a gadget freak, he'll hopefully love this.
I know it's a relatively new idea, but family restrooms should be sort of a no brainer, especially with large, new public buildings such as restaurants...gyms, libraries etc. Our library, built about 10 years ago, has such bathrooms...with all the families who frequent the library with their children, and the aging population, it is a God send!
And yes, I'll call into a men's bathroom and escort B in there...to his chagrin!
I've taken S into both the ladies and gents toilets. What else can you do, if they don't provide a disabled loo! Thankfully, in UK, everywhere has to have disabled toilets. You should see the fantastic ones in our new hospital! Specially built, shall we say for the larger members of our society! The toilet seat was three feet wide at least!!! Must of cost a fortune.
Lots of love
A trip you will never forget. I hope he is OK now. We need to keep our darlings walking as much as possible but wheelchairs come in very handy. I bought a light weight one for C that I could throw in the back of the car and he would push it, having the same effect as a walker. At the beginning, he walked a lot but if we ever went long distances or were out for a long time, he would get tired and sit in it. We went to lots of places he couldn't manage walking. We used to go to the theatre a lot and being in a wheelchair had it's advantages. I went in free as his carer and we had special wheelchair areas. We are in the UK. It's horrible to think they are progressing to a wheelchair but if it makes life easier and lets you both get out and about more, it's worth it.
NannaB, I know he should keep walking, but I have a hard time getting him to do any kind of exercise. I get so scared when he walks with the walker. He is safer in the chair. I already have a neighbor that thinks I do everything wrong and thinks I mistreat him. When he falls it makes me look like I am not doing my job or taking care of him. She does not hesitate to let me know when I do something wrong. I wish she would just leave us alone.
I told her that I was hurt by what she was saying yesterday. She said that she calls it like she sees it. I told her that I was doing the best that I could for my husband. She turned and walked out of my house. I do not want here near me or my husband ever again. That is sad when a neighbor would act like that. All my family is saying to not go to the door when she comes up. Yesterday we were in the car getting ready to leave and she came up to the car. She gave my husband a hug and to check out his head, in her opinion, that I made him fall. I wish she would leave us alone. Maybe I could put a restraining order on her to stay off my property.