I know PSP is a rare condition but i wondered if there was a group in Greater Manchester?
PSP Greater Manchester : I know PSP is a... - PSP Association
PSP Greater Manchester
If you contact the PSP association, they will be able to tell you and if so, where and when they meet. Phone 03000110122. Email. Pspassociation.org.uk
I'm sure if there is one, someone will reply here but if not, try the PSPA.
We used to live outside Wigan so would have been part of a Greater Manchester support group had we not relocated to southern Turkey prior to C's PSP diagnosis.
Yes there is and others close by search. pspassociation.org.uk
We live in Stockport area, I think there is a group in Manchester xx
I contacted the PSP association because there was a mistake in the booklet and Sheffield was down as being in the North East. Hopefully, this will be changed in the next edition. Initially, I thought that there wasn't a meeting in Sheffield because of this mistake, so do check carefully. We have been to the local meeting twice now and it has been very useful to us. Good luck!.x