Can anyone advise, Rose has went so so quiet, and her eyes were strange! Hard to explain. She still grasps my hand but absolutely no other responds. She has not uttered a word for two days. I think she has given up. Could this be a symptom of this PSP?. Be glad to hear of anyone experience the same.
A strange silence?: Can anyone advise, Rose... - PSP Association
A strange silence?

My husband can go for many days without uttering a sound and then he will suddenly say a few words very clearly. Last week I couldn't get any answers from him but when a friend came we were talking about where we were born and she asked me where Colin was born. Very clearly he told her, eyes still closed. He never said anything else until a couple of days later. You mention Rose's eyes. My husband will often stare beyond me when I am talking to him, sometimes looking over my shoulder but if I position myself right in front of his face, he appears as if he is looking right through me. That's PSP I'm sorry to say.
Thank you nannab that is exactly what she is doing! Looking through me.After changing her from sinemet to liquid madopar because of her swallow she was bright, smiling but it was short lived now this silence and staring most of the time her eyes are closed but we can usually massage her eyelids and she will open them but only for a short time. Just another stage we are facing thank you so much nice hearing from you.
Dear Nannygoon, you have certainly been experiencing some extreme swings with your sister's progress. I am so sorry for you both. It's such a hard time. I imagine she may be able to think and know more than she can say, but it is also possible, of course, that the psp has taken her awareness away. With brain disease of any kind it is hard to predict what will be lost, and when. I have seen that in my own family. As you have told us, your sister has rallied when it seemed impossible. It must be of comfort that she is in such a good home, receiving good care in a pleasant environment. I wish there were such a place here. All you can do I think is to project your love and as much cheer as you can, and keep holding her hands. When all else is gone, physical comfort and communication seems to keep its effect. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, and I'm sorry not to have more to offer. I am thinking of you across the ocean, and wishing you love and peace, Easterncedar
It certainly seems as if your Rose and my husband are in the same place at the moment. He also seems to look straight through me to the ceiling. I've often asked what he happened to be looking at and no response. But his eyes tell a different story. He has aspiration pneumonia at the moment but even before, communication with him is difficult if not impossible. I've been told this is a frustrating part of PSP. I am thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Donna
My mom gets like that. Sometimes when I sing her favorite song she will sing a word here or there. She likes it,
The last time my dad spoke was mother's day of last year. sporadically he will say a word but very rare. it is a strange silence but i know he is there.
we play music for him and his favorite shows. my mom and I constantly talk to him and even though he no longer verbally responds we know he understands what we say and knows we are there with him.
with the many changes that this disease will have you go through dont stop talking to her. whether is a story of your past, a book you are reading or reminding her of the day and time she will know you are there.