Hi all I saw my neurologist last Wednesday - he was 2 hours late due to phone call to Govmnt about some drug but of course not one fro PSP he ordered an anti depressant for me & I see him in 8 weeks. marytea
Seen By Neurologist: Hi all I saw my... - PSP Association
Seen By Neurologist

hi mary tea
how will the anti dep help u ?? r u depressed??
i only ask as i hav ebeen on them fo ryear sand they certianly help me deal with thsi PSP
Thanks jilianf6 I am hoping they will help me cope + keep moving! what do they do for u?
We are having a bad patch at present Ted my husband is 85 years old normally v active - goes to gym daily but has hurt his back - I got him to a physio last Wednesday but he's lined up for a colonoscopy next week so has to do prep for it. We really don't have anyone to help us. Although I have 2 nieces living in W A but one is 600 KS away + has husband with back injury that has bee operated on x 2 times. the other niece lives much closer but is not really in touch - she has a young boy so v busy with him. Ted had 2 children but they are both deceased.
hi marytea
ther eis noathing htey cna offe r me os am takign co
I know what u mean about nothing they can offer I just keep trying to keep on. Mary
sorry marytea
i did not finifsh ht epost or it got lost in the ether!!
i am takign coq10/utrmeirc tbas and have been fallgin a lot }less )(whether ii si chicken and egg{app for easter)i am unsure ais wth fewer falls my partner is not shouting a t me as much - he gets v frustrated when i fall over at home)
i use a wheelchair fr outside now
lol JIll
Hi marytea13, I hope the tablets help you cope, you and yours certainly seem to be having it mighty rough just now.
Did you actually get a firm diagnosis during the visit to the consultant or did he kick it into touch until your next visit? I'm a comparative spring chicken (at 77) and found it tough at times. In fact I was only 70 when the caring was at it's busiest and had a great deal of help from a variety of sources. Without the support I think I would have needed a tranquilliser dart never mind an anti-represent.
I hope your husband's check-up goes off without incident and his back shows signs of easing, perhaps the enforced rest will help. Obviously his visits to the gym have kept him fit thus far but at 85 taking it gently for a while might not be a bad thing. I find keeping my veg. garden in some sort of order is as much exercise as I choose to cope with!!
I do hope you manage to get help from some source or other before you feel overwhelmed. If it turns out that you are confirmed with PSP is there any official help you can access? Please keep in touch, kind regards, Jerry.
Hi Jerry thanks for your reply. I will get in touch with the OT that set up so called help for me but that does not include my husband as the transport people would not transport him! We've had Easter hols + School holidays + Anzac hols so difficult to get in contact. regards mary
And No he did not give me a definite diagnosis I forgot to ask! But I shall next time Mary
h mary
how r u now~?
Have u got a definite dxs form the neuro
your gp should have a lette r soon telling him/you the dxs
lol JIll