I have been receiving treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota for the last 3 years. Urologist is Matthew Tollefson. As psa is just starting to rise after radiation therapy, 6 months of Lupron and a 6 month period of being undetectable, I am thinking that I should have a good MO involved. Any recommendations at Mayo or within 6-8 hours drive from central Illinois?
Looking for a good MO specializing in... - Prostate Cancer U...
Looking for a good MO specializing in prostate cancer treatment.

Hello, I saw Dr Eugene Kwon at Rochester Mayo for 4 years. He is an urologist but works very closely with several great oncologists. As far as Im concerned Dr Kwon is a rockstar.
He is very good at tailoring treatments for individual cases. Look him up on Youtube and consider it.
Thanks for your response. Do you currently have a MO or are you still working just with Dr. Kwon?
We moved to Phx so I changed Mayo's, and Kwon referred me to an Onc here. But when I was at Rochester he controlled every treatment and made all the decisions. Hes very good at individualizing treatment plans to each separate individual. He is not a "standard of care" guy. Im living proof that hes an incredible doctor.
He also has the C-11 choline scan that he developed and brought to the FDA for approval. I know some here may not agree but that scan pinpointed lesions in my body to they could attack them early, be it chemo, hormones, radiation, or in my case cryoablasion.
It’s wonderful to hear about oncologists that take this aggressive approach to treatment. I am confident it is the way to successfully treating us young patients.
My Oncologist, since 2011, is Dr. Elisebeth Heath, Head of Prostate Cancer Research at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit. I have been very pleased with the team at Karmanos.
Where in Central IL are you located? My cancer and treatment is quite similar. I have a MO that specializes in prostate cancer at Illinois Cancer Care in Peoria.
Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, our situations are quite similar except my psa is now doubling every 4 months. It was . 54 six weeks ago. I am going to Mayo on October 25 for a Gallium PSMA PET/CT. Hopefully, the disease can be located. I live near Eureka, IL.
Dr Oliver Sartor is a highly respected MO at Mayo in Rochester
I am glad you got so many replies. My Oncologist, Dr. Elisabeth Heath is about to become the HEAD of all Oncology at Mayo. Her going away party was TODAY at Karmanos. You have good referrals at Mayo, but, when you have time, Please do me a favor...drop off a small bag of Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles, and tell her its from me. She has been my Oncologist since 2011; I am a 20 year survivor, doing GREAT, and about to travel around the world (again). My PSA is ZERO for the last three tests, and the last three sets of scans do not show ANY new cancer activity.