It's been almost 4 months since I completed SBRT and overall I've been feeling pretty good considering. I am curious how long it has taken before those of you who completed treatment stopped ejaculating? While my volume has decreased, I continue to ejaculate. If this isn't normal, should I be concerned that treatment may not have been complete?
Still ejaculating 4 months later? - Prostate Cancer A...
Still ejaculating 4 months later?

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! Only 15% lose all ejaculate.
I am two years out from LDR brachy, and while the amount has diminished and the consistency changed, it's still there. In fact, if I have a lot of foreplay and/or didn't ejaculate in a while the amount can be considerable and almost comparable to normal.
IMRT and brachyboost. Poof gone. At best a drop of "precum" if prostate stimulated enough. Otherwise, a "dry orgasm," as it is referred to.
Enjoy your situation!
I had SBRT over three years ago. I have a small amount of ejaculate with each orgasm. However, I have noticed when I do have an orgasm they appear to be much more intense-and of course, pleasurable. So, I suspect it varies for each individual.
My ejaculate was very watery and clear right after my SBRT, but now it’s a bit brownish again. Is this normal? It’s been about 4 months.
Mine was also quite watery and clear until about a month ago. I've since started to get more normal color, but it's still quite watery. I'm not a physician (though I work in healthcare), but brownish suggests that some blood may be clearing out of your system. I had periods of brownish ejaculate for some time after biopsy and SpaceOAR placement, but I had quite a waiting period between those and treatment for healing. If it lingers, it's worth mentioning at your next follow-up with your oncologist to see if that is normal, since our bodies do respond differently. Variations in treatment could also play a part in that.
Good advice. Thanks!