About three years ago I had a routine PSA done by my primary doctor in Illinois.
Shortly after I moved to Nevada , retiring. So I received a call from my Dr. In Illinois who tells me that my PSA is 12.7. He explains that it is very high and I must see a Urologist very soon.
So I find a highly respected Urologist and make an appointment. He tells me we need to do some biopsies to check for cancer. Biopsies done, no cancer. Good news.
Since that time three years ago I have had three sets of biopsies due to a fluctuating PSA.
I am an avid cyclist and the Doc thought that might have something to do with the PSA due to the pressure placed on the perineum from the bike seat. ( I have a special seat designed for men for that very purpose) so I don’t think that was an issue.
So after another PSA this March , 9.7 and a 4K score of 7 my Dr. Decided I need an MRI. So Into the tube I go. The MRI shows cancer. I didn’t realize that Cancer can be detected on an MRI.
Now I am being sent to The Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City. I will be there w weeks from today. I’m told they will do a diagnostic procedure called a fusion biopsy. It’s an MRI guided biopsy that allows the Dr. to see where there are suspicious areas and take biopsies from those areas.
The good thing about this Cancer center is that if they find cancer a treatment plan is created and started immediately. That’s what I’m told.
I feel very hopeful and know that I will be in good hands there.