I have moved and need to set up a local urologist so I have an appointment with the guy who did emergency surgery on me when I was assaulted in the local ER room by a horrible doctor. Recently I had a rather large increase in PSA much higher than after brachy IMRT years ago. Some of the tests were while I had a PSA and others after self catheterization so who know what is responsible for what part of the PSA rise. here is a list of PSA with dates. I am wondering what questions I should ask the doctor that I might not have thought of yet. my first urologist did not seem too concerned about the recent levels but it bothers me. i will probably have another on the 6th hopefully with no UTI and not recent catheterization. should i be concerned and ask about tests such as bone scan, fancy imaging of any sort or ??? i have had a lot of lower back pain but this is hopefully just degenerative disc disease which i do have.
12/28/2018 5.99 no infection no catheterizing
12/05/2018 6.8 with UTI?
10/29/2018 7.31 UTI? UTI and cath right before?
4/3/2018 0.10not sure why there are two on same date but slightly different
11/30/2017 0.82
4/3/2017 0.82 no infection
3/24/2017 0.10
12/1/2016 0.08