Hey All, Anyone has suggestions when to start pumping, and or trimix?
When to start Alternative treatments ... - Prostate Cancer A...
When to start Alternative treatments for ED

It's too long ago, I can't remember when I started pumping. But....you should be discussing these things in your urologist/surgeon's office and they should be advising you on erectile rehabilitation. My surgeon/urologist's practice had someone in the office just to deal with these issues if one wanted help/advice that the surgeon couldn't (or didn't have time for) give himself.
and good luck, it's important, isn't it!
I tried the pump . It was torturous. By the time you get through the pain of the suction, and worse, in order to keep your cock hard, you need to put this tourniquet rubber band like thing on the end of your cock to hold blood in, there's so much pain, you lose all the erotic feeling. This pump is really a device of medieval torture. As far as the trimax goes, be very careful. Doctor says could only inject two or three times a week and you have to wait until the injection site is healed. Also be very careful because you can create a hematoma on your penis and that is not fun. It could result in penile tissue damage. start with a low dose and work your way up. You don't want to inject to much and have a painful erection for an extended time
My surgeon prescribed a pump at my six-week checkup, and said to use it twice a day. I never had the problems experienced by Vitruviusman. My biggest one was boredom. I would pump my cock erect and play solitaire on my tablet at the same time. Having sex with the pump and a cock ring wasn't the best -- my dick was cold to the touch and the sensations weren't like the old days -- but while it didn't increase the length, it did make the girth bigger, a plus. In conjunction with ED drugs, it did help.
I first used a pump at least a year Post-op. Only then did I realise I could have used it a lot earlier. I had already made some recovery using PDE5s but wasn't entirely satisfied. I never actually used it for sex, solely for rehabilitation. I was lucky in that I had a lesson on how to use it from the medical sales rep. He recommended I inflate it, then let it down several times for about 20 minutes and repeat this twice a day.
It was very strange as although it draws blood into the erectile tissue, which is the desired effect, it also draws blood into the superficial blood vessels in the skin so the skin got bloated too making it fatter than it used to be normally. It's also a bluish colour since it draws in blood from veins rather than the normal arterial blood. It never hurt using it this way and don't worry, the bloated skin isn't permanent.
I only used it for a couple of weeks, I used it in conjunction with daily low dose Cialis and two sessions with a pyschosexual counsellor. I can only affirm that this combination did the trick. I'm sure the pump was a vital part, as well as its actual physical effect, it was reassuring to SEE the effect and I even found it a bit arousing.
Of course you could continue to use it for quite a while if you need to.
I carried on with the Cialis after that, just to keep up my confidence.
I haven't now used the Cialis either for the last 3 years as I've recovered fully adequate spontaneous erections without any assistance, whenever required and without losing them at the vital moment.
I have to put this down to several factors but I think my brief encounter with a pump was a significant and positive experience.
I recall some weeks ago you posting saying you had some partial spontaneous erections, so I hope you don't think you have fallen back, that was and remains a good sign. The pump will help ensure you don't fall back.