I have been on this journey for over 3 years and what I am posting is not a BRAG but hopefully motivation to those starting or currently in their journey. It helped be through ADT, radiation and improved my QOL. It also expanded my social interactions which is important at my age.
One of the things I read on this forum in the very beginning was that exercise and life style changes like diet changes were necessary in fighting the effects of ADT and cancer in general. So when I was referred to a Urologist even before cancer was diagnosed I started to go to the gym and made changes to my diet. Nothing drastic. Just a little at a time.
I have continued these changes for a little over 3 years now. My regimen is rather simple 30 minutes of resistance training and 45 to 60 or so minutes of aerobics each day. I vary my approaches each day so I do not get bored or overwork any one muscle group. I go to the gym 6 days a week.
I will be 80 in two months and the other day after a shower I noticed what I thought was a shadow on my upper body. So I took a closer look. I now have 3 rows of visible abs. I consider that a real accomplishment for someone my age.
Not sure if I have the dedication to get the next part of the six pack. This will require me to further reduce body fat pretty significantly. That last section of belly fat is really tough to eliminate. I have not decided if that effort is worth doing at my age.
For you young guys out there exercise and diet really helped me with the ADT impact and I have made a good group of gym buddies. Really improved my social interaction and some of the “eye candy” is amazing. Good luck on your journey!