Hi all
I am writing on behalf of my dad, who is not as tech literate as I am.
He was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the prostate (suspicious nodule in the left peripheral zone) back in June 2023 following an initial MRI, biopsy and PSA test (results from those tests are below).
He was advised to actively surveil with a strong recommendation for HIFU as the next course of action, if the symptoms worsen, or the problem has spread.
A year on, he's just had a second MRI scan (although we don't have the printed results yet), which according to the radiology nurse, shows no signs of spreading, but does appear "more visible" and she used the word "progressed".
He hasn't yet had a second PSA test, nor has he had a second biopsy. Note that while he may choose not to have the second biopsy (let's see what the forum thinks), he is going for his second PSA test (early next week) .
I'll include a snapshot of the data interpreted as important below:
PSA - 3.6
Gleason 3+4
Technique - 1.5mpMRI
Prostate volume - 3 (CC) x 2.6 AP x 3.5 (TR) cm
Volume - 15 cc
PSA density - 0.24 ng/ml/cc
Location - Left peripheral zone, at apex
NOTE - we don't yet have the written results of the second MRI yet. I presume that would be very useful to contextualise the last year's results... I'll chase again.
In any case, the hospital are STRONGLY urging him to go for HIFU now, and have even advised he not bother with the second PSA or biopsy.
Do you think the medical team has enough to go on to suggest HIFU treatment at this stage?
He is a 56 year old male, who hasn't presented any symptoms (that are directly attributable to prostate cancer, from our limited research). He is generally well, considering he smokes and drinks fairly regularly but not overly.
Any advise is really appreciated.
Thank you so much.