I'M 76 YEARS OLD,doctor by profession and cancer prostate was diagnosed following one episode of terminal hematuria.IHC shows acinar adenocarcinoma,Gleason grade 3+3,(score 6),grade group1 with no perineural invasion.PSMA PETCT scan features are suggestive of primary prostate malignancy with no obvious regional lymphnodal spread,no distant metastases.I want to knowhe best treatment.Any suggestion. ?I am also having diabetes type 2, hypertension, R.A and Stent in right coronary and all are under control.I am quite an active person.Thanks.
Recently diagnosed: I'M 76 YEARS OLD... - Prostate Cancer N...
Recently diagnosed

welcome to the club no one wants to be in ... as has been often said here. Best wishes to you on this new part of your journey
lots of support here
probably active surveillance.
Active surveillance is the best "treatment" for your low-risk PCa.
Interesting, as many would say 3+3 is not malignant, yet "PSMA PETCT scan features are suggestive of primary prostate malignancy". Do you have genomic testing. prostate mpMRI for comparison and second pathology/radiology opinions? I would strive to be convinced this is indolent and not worthy of further concern at your fine age. Hope this helps.
Active surveillance would be my chosen path with quarterly PSA tests and annual imaging for a few years to see what's happening. Treatments are improving all the time so waiting is in your interest. Best of luck.
I was 74 and had a very similar diagnosis Gleason 6 in 3 cores less than 20%, grade 1, PSA 4.4 at the time. I did have some perineurial invasion but no other co-morbidities. Active surveillance was suggested. Since my father had prostate cancer I decided to get a Decipher genetic test. It came back high risk - .79. My doctor was on the fence but leaned toward treatment. Since I was in very good shape they offered either radiation or surgery with no hormone treatments. After getting advice here and doing research, I had been monitoring my PSA for years so I could catch it early so waiting didn't seem logical for me personally. I choose radiation of 28 sessions with a boost to the cancer area. My 1st 3 month check up after radiation my PSA was .79. My RO was pleased. I had little side effects. My prostate swelled from the radiation so I took Tamsulosin for easier urination. I also had some fatigue during the latter part of the treatment but that went away after a month. All in all, I'm thankful for the advice on the forum and feel I chose the right course. Taking out the prostate is not exactly clean and simple if you watch videos of the procedure. Good luck on your decision.
you’re 75 years old,… prostate cancer is slow growing. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. 3+4 mid grade. Recent MRI shows no change , hasn’t grown any . The cancer is contained inside prostate. We will most likely to die with the cancer and not from it. I’m 63. Just monitoring it because any treatment or surgery is life changing . At age 75 I’d be even less worried about it.