Hi All,
I'm new here but have been reading so much on this network and other similar and am wondering why not much is said about not having any treatment at all when diagnosed with PC.
Please don't call me irresponsible because I am not and in fact, I am weighing up what treatment I am going to do. I'll put up another post about that later. However, I came across another website tool that supposedly gives you a life expectancy if you do nothing after you have been diagnosed with PC.
this is the website
I thought that I'd just try this out and see where I fit in. I don't have any health issues at all, so ticked all the right boxes. I included my 4+4 (GS=8) and all still localized.
Here are my results:
I have a 59% chance of surviving 10 years, 23% chance of PC taking me out and 18% chance of being taken out by something else. (I assume that could be a heart attack, car accident etc)
For surviving 15 years, I have a 39% chance of surviving, 33% chance of PC taking me out and 37% chance of being taken out by something else.
Now if you have a GS of 7, those survival chances are incrementally far better.
So then, has anyone decided to forego treatment in favor of a better quality of life and are still with us after say 10 or 15 years and are here on this forum to talk about it? As I said, I'm not going to throw caution to the wind but I must say that these results astounded me as I was always under the impression that intermediat & high-risk PC if left untreated will take you pretty quickly. That does not seem to be the case if this website is accurate.
Would love to hear some thoughts about this.