Hi, I am 67 and recently diagnosed with 3+4 (7 Gleason score), group 2. My wife and I have met with a surgeon, a radiologist, and a urologist who specializes in HIFU (High Intensity Focal Ultrasound). Has anyone in the group had the HIFU procedure and if yes, how successful was it? I met with a urologist Dr. Vahan Kassabian who has performed over 500 of these with I believe he said 78% success. After the procedure there would be active monitoring, and blood test. A MRI in a year. My PC is on one side of the prostate, so only one side would be treated. The side effects are minimal with this procedure. No ED or incontinence.
Currently the cost is $25K out of pocket and he believes that Medicare is scheduled to provide a code in 2023 to cover the cost. We are waiting to see what happens in January. If they do not cover then the cost again would be $25K out of pocket, and if needed again, the cost would be about $15K out of pocket.
Would be curious to see if anyone has had this done and your success rate.