I believe I have started treatment at either AJCC Stage I (NCCN Low risk) or AJCC Stage IIB (NCCN Fav risk) prostate cancer, dependent on which pathology report for grade group was used as the basis for clinical diagnosis, and dependent upon the prostate biopsy not missing the worst tumor. Both reports confirmed presence of PNI. I had a PSA doubling time of 14.2 months. Based on the last pre-treatment PSA test on Oct 1, 2021 of 8.01 ng/mL, my PSA at the time I began any form of initial treatment was calculated to be 8.64 ng/mL.
I elected to do the following as my initial treatment:
Orogvyx (LHRH antagonist) for 4 months, and at day 64, begin SBRT of 38Gy/4fr via a Cyberknife linac at UCSF. I also added two daily doses of 30 mg Propranolol, starting 30 days prior to SBRT. I begin SBRT treatment on Feb 22, 2022.
Orgovyx side effects have been limited to frequent hot flushes and loss of libido. To offset long-term side-effects of ADT, I include a daily regimen of lifting weights and using a Bathmate pump then applying a Jelqing balm. Also, 5 mg Tadalafil daily.
My Orgovyx response (T mg/dL, PSA ng/mL):
Oct 15, 2021: 535, 8.01 (actual test results)
Dec 20, 2021: 535, 8.65 (estimated biometrics at Orgovyx start date)
Jan 7, 2022: 7.87, 4.18 (actual test results)
Jan 28, 2022: <2.5, 2.41 (actual test results)
Jan 31, 2022: (gold seed fiducial placements in prostate - further testing suspended)
I am happy to answer any questions or concerns in any way that I can so that other new members can gain insight towards making their own treatment decisions.