71 yrs old. Surgery in 2012, radiation in 2018. Uro confirmed ( with a scope) stricture. It's not bad enough that I want to endure a treatment right now but it has periodically tightened to the point that I have a greatly reduced stream. Anxiety goes through the roof when this happens. I've inadvertently discovered taking 5mg of Levitra (for whatever reason) loosens things up miraculously within a couple of hours and my stream becomes "normal". I've done this numerous times and it's almost always very effective (sometimes to a slightly lesser degree) but has always provided great relief. Sometimes the relief lasts several days sometimes much longer. When I told my Uro about this he kinda gave me a "duh" look. This is MY PERSONAL EXPERIMENT and my doctor is basically ambivalent about it. Since I started doing this I have read there has been some research done on this subject that produced positive results. I post this in hopes it may help someone else as it has me. I don't doubt that in the end I'll still have to treatment but this has bought me a considerable amount of time. WHATEVER YOU DO get your doctor's OK before trying this if you decide to do so.
God Bless Each and Every One of you.