Searching mode continues for:
1. Naturopathic Med professionals
2. Integrative Med professionals
Within a 100-150 mile radius of my home front. Ft. Wayne,IN....
Nalakrats and Tall_Allen have helped. Still looking and will keep on looking
Searching mode continues for:
1. Naturopathic Med professionals
2. Integrative Med professionals
Within a 100-150 mile radius of my home front. Ft. Wayne,IN....
Nalakrats and Tall_Allen have helped. Still looking and will keep on looking
I'm certain I have not helped you with that project because I believe that naturopathy is bullshit. Integrative medicine can be good stuff, however.
That's what I thought Tall_Allen. I'm not really excited about being a 'naturopathy distraught guy. Life is complicated enough - Cardiac wise, Urology wise, AD PCa wise, self catheter wise. I will definitely start searching for Integrative Medicine sources. Yes today.
Sorry if I may have got 'that subject' tagged with the wrong person.
I am enjoying my super Sinus Rhythm. NSR is a great feeling.
Integrative med searching here i come.
Check out . You can get a telemed appointment from anywhere.
Doug, if you don’t mind the drive, I would recommend Keith Block, MD who is an integrative medicine physician practicing in the Chicago suburbs. He is medical director of the Block Center for integrative medicine and cancer treatment. He is the author of “Life over Cancer, an excellent text, available through Amazon.
Dr Keith Block, what an interesting integrative medicine website and tons of information and support. Yes, His practice medical building is far far up on the NW side of Chicago. Just west of Evanston, Northwestern University.
Have to think about that distance for a while. You do have me interested in Integrative Medicine treatments though>