Hey all, just wondering if anyone can recommend a good surgeon in the Phoenix area, I was going to go to Mayo clinic but they seems to be out-of-network with my insurance & that is a deal-breaker. Thanks!
Phoenix area DaVinci surgery - Prostate Cancer N...
Phoenix area DaVinci surgery
Ask for an appeal on providers and give reason why
I had my robotic done at Mayo and wasn't happy with my care. I was originally diagnosed by Dr. Scott Kalinowski at Arizona Urology Specialists. My husband goes to him and a good friend just had his Robotic done by him with good results. Mayo was my 2nd opinion and I should have went back to Dr. K for my surgery, but hind site is 20/20. I am done with Mayo and plan on going back to Dr. K for my future needs. Good Luck!
Ask your question in the Advance Prostate Cancer group here in H.U.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/03/2020 6:46 PM DST
Dr Shapiro did mine at Shea Hospital and it all went exactly as planned. He's part of the Arizona Urological group and has an office very close to the hospital.
ArizonaMike... I just joined the group. I see you posted 5 months ago. How are you doing? Did you decided to have the surgery? All good wishes to you. My hubs and I are also in AZ.