So my surgery was 5 weeks ago and I started back to work this past Monday.
The surgery report was all pretty good, getting my first PSA soon.
Mentally I’m more relaxed, less stress and (I think) less depressed than I have been in several years.
Physically I seem to have recovered pretty well, surgery wise.
Side effect wise I can get reasonably hard (with a viagra) and have an orgasm but haven’t done much of it yet - just once.
I can wear the same pee pad pretty much all day and it’s not very wet by bed time. But I don’t trust not wearing one. When I sneeze, cough (especially while walking, and I’ve had a dry cough for 45 years) I squirt a little pee. And I don’t want to do that - especially at work!
The most common thing to make me squirt a little pee is something y’all probably take for granted - getting up from a chair or couch. As a double leg amputee physical movement like that requires so much effort you’d probably never believe it. (I’m not trying to complain or whine, really!)
I guess squirting a bit of pee randomly during the day isn’t such a big problem, all things considered.
And yes, I realize this may continue to improve over time.