My diagnosis began in November of 2018 with a rising PSA detected at my yearly physical. It had reached 6.2 when my TRUS biopsy was scheduled. Of the 12 cores taken, 11 were positive as follows:
1 G 3+3
5 G 4+3
2 G 4+4
3 G 4+5
My RP was in May of 2019, margins, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes were negative. My pathology report was summarized as "Gleason 3, 4, and tertiary 5." My 3 month PSA was undetectable (<.014) and my 6 month PSA was = .014. I just learned that my 9 month PSA is .021. My uro says anything less than .1 is normal post RP, however my trajectory seems clear and I feel like a sitting duck just watching the cancer progress. I don't know if I should wait another three months for my 1 year PSA or seek other opinions now.
Am I overreacting?
I'm in western North Carolina. The closest PCa center of excellence is at Duke University. Does anybody here have experience with them?
Any thoughts and comments are welcome. Thanks!