What if you raised $2million or more (much more) for a clinical trial or research project, and nobody came? Over 30% of clinical trials and research projects fail to accrue enough patients/subjects to validate any findings. Wasted time and money.
Malecare has developed a simple, elegant way to improve the accrual process. You’ve noticed Malecare’s participation in lots of research during the last ten years. Over thirty peer-reviewed papers, two patents on new devices and methods (one granted and the other still pending), and several posters and abstracts have come directly from Malecare’s work. As a sidebar, we’ve been developing better accrual strategies that almost all prostate cancer research can use. The projects that followed our advice have fully accrued either on or ahead of schedule.
Conversely, the external projects that did not follow our advice did not do as well. Imagine 30% more successful research, for no additional costs. (Does this sound like an infomercial?) We’ve got some more tweaking to do but should have this all ready by early February. We’ll make this available to all researchers worldwide. Just thought to mention this, today, so that you all can get a taste of Malecare’s continuing innovation and feel motivated to support our work with a donation at malecare.org/donate