hello, good brothers.
i'm looking for those who've only had brachytherapy as a monotherapy.
*how many of you were glad about your decision?
*how did it impact your QoL, on average, for how long?
*if your RO wanted to add ADT, why did you turn it down?
*what has your PSA been like?
C, the RO i have has recommended i do ADT [six month shot of eligard] with brachytherapy along with ADT, because my PSA shot up to 18.67. but six days later, my PSA went down to 14.81. so, i'm thinking for sure the spike in PSA was due to possible prostatitis and not PCa. so, this is a reason i want to go back to doing brachytherapy as planned.
plus, i haven't found a post on here about anyone who had only brachytherapy. i would like to read your stories.