Posts - Pregnancy and Parenting Support | HealthUnlocked

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

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All posts for September 2013

Reduced movements? How long to leave it?

My little peanut has been very quite since yesterday evening & I havent actually...
little-kate23 profile image

Delayed cord clamping??? Yes or no?

Hi I've recently heard about delayed cord clamping and it sounds like the best t...

Hi, I'm planning on expressing to bottle feed and assuming I will take my breast pump etc in my hospital bag? Anyone done the same? Advice?

6newtothis profile image
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When do you write your Birth plan and does the midwife help you with this?

I'm 38 weeks and just realised I haven't written a birth plan. My midwife has ne...
CheekyP profile image

Breastfeeding pumps Manual VS Electric.......

Hi ladies So I'm really considering buying a breast pump but Ive always being th...
Hidden profile image

Ah quiet

Just lying on the sofa has never felt so good : ) Penny is just over 6 months no...
KCleo profile image

Breastfeeding and Caesarean

Hi Mums and Mums to Be! Just thought I would share my experience so others don't...
Hidden profile image

33weeks feeling like crap!

I'm 33weeks today and I'm feeling really Ill, I'm having on/off (mostly on) sic...
JNDuce12-13 profile image

18 weeks now and no sign of bump, but can feel baby kicking all the time now so amazing!

Hello ladies. I'm 18weeks now and I still have no sign of a bump! I've even lost...
Jusnaa profile image

Breast and formula feeding ??

Hi ladies, Hope all is well with lil ones and bumps :) so I'm 35+1 and I'm goin...

We're baaaaaaaaack!

Where are all these overcooked babies??! You lot have not been putting in anywhe...
DrFluffy profile image

Antenatal classes..

I've been offered antenatal classes now, they always say you can bring a partner...
Mango401 profile image

We are starting week 27 and feel that my baby is moving a bit less. She gets crazy sometimes for 4or 5 days and sometimes she stays calm.

What can I do, I feel very nervous.... Anyone that has same problem?
pedalexso profile image

I had a baby four months ago I had a period on the 8th of June I had sex on the 22nd July haven't had another period yet could I be pregnan.

I am mix feeding
Joh8- profile image

Prams and car seats

I have a mamas and papas glide, does anyone know of any other car seats other th...
JNDuce12-13 profile image

Cervical Sutures

Had my sutures removed this morning. Very tired had gas and air. Need to sleep ...
dort profile image

Feels like the baby is moving right over in my left side, sounds silly but is that possible??

Hi all. Sorry probably a silly question but I am 17+5 and this is my first, thin...
hannah_fraser profile image

35 weeks 4 days few things playing on my mind

hey lovely people, A few quick questions as im just wondering what this new pha...
Flossy1688 profile image

20 week scan all is good :-)

Hello, Anyone else due in January? I am 21+3 and I had my 20 week scan yesterda...
blahty profile image

'The Midwives'

So i have tried staying away from all the birth documentaries like 'one born eve...
jubbly profile image

Needed a break... Oh and its a girl!

Hi ladies, Havent been on here for a while, felt like i needed a break for a bi...
Baby_j profile image

Just an update

Just an update :-) been to the doctors today and got my pregnancy confirmed. 7 p...
missklt profile image

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Hi girls, I hope you're all keeping well. I'm 36+3 and am starting to get very a...
dons88 profile image

Pain in my inside hips and lady bits

Hi everyone hope your all getting on ok I am 36wks+4 and for about the last week...
Louise87 profile image

Please help - truly grateful

Hello all, I am currently 18 weeks and in the middle of a competition to win a ...
Kimbob27 profile image

Anyone had selective reduction?

I am 8 weeks pregnant with triplets. After starting fertility treatment 4 years ...
TripleA profile image

Hi I'm almost 5 wks pregnant n have light brown discharge for the last 3 days not enough to wear a pad just a liner Is this normal? thanx xx

tootz profile image

Feeling good! :)

So finished my last of my oral steroids and they have made me feel fantastic wis...
Hidden profile image

I need answers!!!!!!!

Hey everyone, I'm new here but I need some answers. Me and my partner have been ...
rascal24 profile image

Disappearing bump driving me crazy!

I'm 29+4 and for the past 2days my bump has proper disappeared, I have a relativ...
suzie_27 profile image

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