Hi Mums and Mums to Be!
Just thought I would share my experience so others don't suffer the same.
My baby boy was born by emergency caesarean. I had already decided that I would try BF if I could.
I stayed in hospital for a total of 3 days to get some BF support before going home. During my stay I was told baby was latching well and we were having regular feeds - everyone was happy.
When I came to go home they weighed my baby boy and he had lost 11% of his birth weight- ideally they should only lose a maximum of 10%!
To say I was distraught was an understatement. The hospital suggested I express but there was no milk at all. They allowed me to go home.
Our first night was awful - he cried and cried and cried. By 9am next morning I gave in and called my Mum who arrived like Super Nanny and finally settled him.
The community midwife arrived later that day and was the first person in 3 days to tell me that as I'd had a c-section my milk would take a lot longer to come in.
My poor baby boy was starving!
Myself and husband made a decision to switch to bottle feeding - I was too distraught to continue BF.
24hrs later he had put on 100grams and been so content!
16 days old and he's now over his original birth weight!
Im certainly not suggesting that caesarean means you can't BF but do consider that your full milk flow will take longer to come in and the midwives should help you create a plan to ensure your baby gets the nutrients they need.