Has anyone had one of the baby bond scans? I have just booked on in as I noticed some spotting this morning and I want the peace of mind that everything is ok, I am 8 weeks.
Baby Bond Scan: Has anyone had one of... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby Bond Scan

I ave had three private scan through a company called ultra baby, it was a very good, professional service and put my mind at rest
I had a private baby bond scan in Belfast, northern ireland it was a gender scan at 22 weeks, but wanted reasurance as wel!! chatting to the midwife and told them about my miscarriages i had had and they were absolutely brilliant, they spent 40 mins looking over all of baby.. seen him in 4D and everything
iv heard nothing but amazing reports on all the baby bond clinics.. deff money well spent for some peace of mind
good luck xx
If u have had some spotting u can get a scan thru your g.p to check everything is Ok xx

I started to get tumy cramps as well so I phone the midwife and she has arranged for me to have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, so fingers crossed its all okay.
Ah hope everything will be Ok glad u have got it sorted for tmw xx
I had a baby bond scan at 10 weeks as I couldn't wait for my Nhs scan which is booked for 13 weeks (next Tuesday). I never thought about private scans with my first but heard a few people talk about them on here and found out I could have it done jut round the corner! They were excellent and well worth the money for peace of mind. The lady who did my scan was a midwife at the hospital and just worked there for extra money so she was fully up to date with practices etc. I got more photos than my Nhs ones with my first baby too, and they put labels on the photo for head, arm, leg and body which made it much easier for friends and family to know what they were looking at too! good luck, I hope everything's ok xx
I had a private scan at 9weeks and it cost £95. I am 12 weeks now and still not sign of the NHS scan being booked after being chased again for a date today. I am so glad I booked it private as would have been tearing my hair out by now with the NHS they are on a go slow.