Should you wait for period b4 ttc after mc
TTC after MC: Should you wait for... - Pregnancy and Par...
TTC after MC

Hi when I had a miscarriage I was told to wait for one natural period until I tried again the reason is to give you and your body a rest. However there are many people who try straight away afterwards. But I waited until I had a natural period till we tried again. I'm sorry for your loss but I didn't believe it when people told me time is a healer but now I believe it actually is but I will never ever forget the baby I lost. Take care xxxx
Same here told to wait for one period. Sorry for your loss, I know how it feels. I hope you ave lots of support xx
Sorry for your loss. I was told it was OK to try again as soon as I liked but best to wait for a natural period to be sure everything was clear and for ease of dating. I don't know if the advise maybe changes depending on stage you mc - I was 7weeks and it all happened naturally.
Hi, I had a McCarter before Xmas and was told by doctor I could try straight away, which we did I'm now 9 weeks, I have heard your very fertile after a Mc hope this helps.
You're right Tabby101 advice changes depending on when you had the miscarrage. I was 19 weeks and they advised I waited at least 3 cycle. I think it's so you are both physically and emotionally in a better place. I'm now 35 weeks and although this pregnancy has been emotionally hard at times it is worth it. I wish you all the best and so sorry you are going through this now, it does get easier and although you never forget the pain fades with time xx