Going for amniocentesis test tomorrow. I'm really nervous. Anyone had one?
amniocentesis test anyone?: Going for... - Pregnancy and Par...
amniocentesis test anyone?

Is there a reason you're having it if you don't mind me asking? When we were told about the Down's syndrome screening and was told this is the 2nd test we refused it due to the risk of miscarriage x
I had the normal scan and blood tests done that made the chance of Down syndrome very low, so no further testing needed. Mrs turner is right amniocentesis can cause misscarriage. If your having the test to rule out downs, then the question u should ask yourself before having the test is, could I cope with a downs child, does it bother me, if the answer is that u could cope with a downs baby then I wouldn't take the test ad let what will be, be! But again it's your choice, good luck and I hope all tuns out good for u. Xxx
Hi PJ2013,
I had an amniocentesis with my son, which came back negative/clear of chromosomal defects ( who is now 2years old). You have obviously been given all the necessary information, as I did at the time, to make an informed decision about having it done, and you probably have had a meeting with a consultant to describe what the procedure entails and it's risks.
The procedure itself is more uncomfortable rather than painful. I was asked to lay on my back as you do for a normal scan, and to keep my hands out of the way, so I tucked them a little under my bottom. I was told to keep very still. They will use normal scan equipment to check the position of your baby, and whilst this is done a thin needle is inserted to remove some of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby. I closed my eyes at this point and concentrated on my breathing to stay calm. After it was done I had to lay on a bed for 30minutes resting, and was given tea and biscuits/toast. Once they were happy that things were ok I was allowed home. I was told to take it easy and rest when I got home and for the next couple of days ( I had already booked some time off work for it). My partner drove us home and I went to bed for a while. I had very light aches, like period pain for a couple of hours when I got home, this is to be expected, but I thankfully had nothing more than a dull ache.
The only advice I can give you is try to stay as calmand relaxed as possible. I hope it all goes well for you and that you have someone to go with you to drive you home and for support. Good Luck. x
Went to hospital for expected amino test and the hospital had me booked in for bloods instead of amino. It's been a mix up between two hospitals. I got the bloods done and will wait for results. I had spent all night worrying about procedure that didn't happen. It may happen yet but won't know until 2 weeks time.
I'm an older mum too at 38 years old.
I wasn't offered an amniocentesis due to age. I had the nuchal scan but my baby was too interested in moving around so had the quad test. As it came back low risk I wasn't offered the amniocentesis. I wonder if the blood test you had today was the quad test?
Whatever happens next I wish you the best with your pregnancy. x
I forgot to say that I was 40 having my son and I am now 42yrs old and 26weeks pregnant. I haven't had an amniocentisis this time as the nuchal scan results came back as low risk, which wasn't available two years ago. We also had a missed miscarriage last year so this too gave us a slightly differerent view on things. Congratulations and Good Luck to all you ladies with your pregnancies and little ones. Xxxxx