Hi everyone, In my exercise class today a lot of the women were talking about their sugar tests, I’ve not been offered one - is this something I should have requested ?? I’m 30 weeks and no one has mentioned it so far to me in my appointments
Sugar test? : Hi everyone, In my... - Pregnancy and Par...
Sugar test?

I think it's the diabetic test... every time you take an urine sample she tests for sugars..
Hi, I get the impression it is certain people who need the glucose test like if your weight is in a certain range (high BMI) or the baby is on the large side if you have a scan again and reasons like that - hope this helps
That’s what I was thinking however I had a BMI of 33 at my booking in appointment and baby measured in 95% on dating and anomaly scans - I’ve got my 31week docs appointment coming up so I’ll check with them!
Good idea - do check with them - I know when my recent scan showed a large abdominal circumference for baby the doctor didn't organise a glucose tolerance test (GTT) but then I saw another obstetrician the same week about another issue and she noticed the large abdominal circumference from the scan and arranged the GTT.
Only some people will
Get the ogtt but if your bmi
Is above 30 you should be
Having it. Id call midwife ASAP so they can arrange it. You'd normally have it at 25 weeks
Thanks! I thought it was a bit odd!
The midwife only asked me if diabetes was in my immediate family. When I said only grandmother she said no need to test.
You'll only be offered it if your BMI and obviously weight is on the high side or you have a family history of diabetes or gestational diabetes. X
It's down to factors such as family history and BMI as others have mentioned but also ethnicity. I don't have a history of diabetes and my BMI is low but I was offered it as I am of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity.