Anyone had to have GTT test x - Pregnancy and Par...
Anyone had to have GTT test x

I had mine a few weeks ago, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Got the results next day too
I had 2..the stuff u hav too drink isnt the nicest but bearable and unless there is a problem with ur results then they dont contact u and u can discuss them with ur midwife if u feel it necessary x
I had 2 done, mine was fast 12hrs before had to drink Lucozade original 480ml in 10 mind 2 hrs before my bloods done - not an easy task. I had a sugar crash and wobbles after mine X
I had to have one at 7weeks after initial blood tests with midwife. I wasn't lucky enough to get lucozade, got the horrible thick sugar water.....but everything turned out fine, must've just drank something really bad before blood tests. 35wks now and never had an issue since
I had mine at 32 weeks. Wasn't lucky enough to get lucozade, had this horrible sugar lemon favoured rubbish. My advice is to make it thenight before and chill it. I was found to have gestational diabetes and wasn't tested sooner as wasn't considered high risk. It was only discovered because baby was measuring large. That scan was to check the position of my placenta too. If u are found to have it, don't fret, means more scans of baby which is always nice
I had something which tasted like orange ice pops. The test was fine but having to sit in a waiting room for two hours when you're not allowed to leave and go walk around is infuriating. I took some books to read.
Iv got one at 28 weeks not lookin forward to it. What happens if u do have it x
I've got mine this Friday because my mum has type 2 diabetes. I'm planning on taking a book! Baby is going through a growth spurt at the moment so I'm constantly hungry...think I'm going to be VERY grumpy by 11am without any food :/
I no think thats what bothers me not bein able to eat for so long. Start to feel grumpy and ill if I donteat for so long x
I had a GTT done with my last pregnancy. Reason? Apparently I was "clinically obese" and "at risk of gestational diabetes". According to my midwife, she didn't see why I was asked to have it done as she was happy with my weight and baby's growth.
Again this pregnancy I'm being asked to have a GTT done and I've been looking into it. Mostly it goes like this - You fast from at least 10pm the night before. You then get one lot of blood taken as a baseline test of blood sugars (since you've been fasting it's likely to be lower than normal). You're then given a sugary drink which equates to.....wait for it........eating two mars bars one after another!! (I can barely eat one never mind two!) You then have a second lot of blood taken an hour to two hours later (this seems to change depending on where you are in the country) and this is used to see how your body reacts to breaking down sugar in your blood and indicates your risk of getting gestational diabetes.
Having read this on various websites, I've started questioning the validity of this test, after all, how many of us who normally have a varied, healthy diet, are going to not eat anything for upto 12 hours (hello, pregnancy?!) then scoff down two mars bars?! I've decided against having the GTT done this time as the only reason my consultant wants me to have it is my blood pressure. (This was known about and dealt with before my last pregnancy so I see no reason for it to be a concern this time round!)
You have the right to decline any tests you don't feel are needed and if you're at all concerned about the reasons behind the tests being done, talk to your midwife. Unless you feel there is genuine need for a test to be done you're not happy about, you do not have to have them done.
I had it done at 26 weeks with my last baby (he is now 6 months old) mine was a positive result for gestastional diabetes. At 27 weeks I had to have insulin at night, has my sugar levels went up at night times, whereas I could control them in th3 daytime. I had a vile orange sugary drink, then waited 2 hrs. Every hospital is different, one told me I coukdnt drink anything, whereas a different hospital said I could drimk as much water as I wanted. After having my baby, his first 2 feeds he had to have blood test (heel prick) to test his levels which were thank fully ok.
They never said I had a right to choose if I wanted it. My baby is growing as it should and I feel fine apart from the sicknes amd I hardly eat anything sugary. Yess Iam over weight but I am losing weight and the hospital seemed happy with that x