Heya, i’m 3 days late and took a pregnancy test this morning came back positive, i phoned my GP they told me to self refer myself, which i’ve done and they told me to allow 10 working day’s for them to get in contact. Just wondering if there is anything else i should do? thank you x
Positive test: Heya, i’m 3 days late... - Pregnancy and Par...
Positive test

Congratulations! Nothing else needs to be done but I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t contact you in that time frame. I did a self referral and didn’t hear until 8 weeks for an appointment at 9 weeks xx

Thank you for the response☺️ Thank you!! this is all so new for me so just wondered if it would be worth doing another to confirm or just take it that i am pregnant? x
You just take it your pregnant. It is weird as you feel you need to double check but pregnancy tests are so accurate nowadays xx
Congrats lovely! If you arent already, start taking folic acid xx
Congrats! No you have done everything, just start with a pregnancy multi vitamin xx
Congratulations! No nothing else, it all feels very quiet at the beginning but you'll soon have your initial appointment and then your scan booked in.
I started taking Pregnacare as soon as I found out I was expecting - a multi vitamin which includes everything you need All the best!
Have a read of the ante care on the NHS website. It discusses vitamins you should be taking (folic acid/vit D mainly) as well as things not to eat, how the appointments work etc.