Has anyone else had this? Ive been measuring spot on up until now and its really worrying me. Had a growth scan at 32 weeks and all was fine then
36 weeks pregnant but only measuring ... - Pregnancy and Par...
36 weeks pregnant but only measuring 34 weeks

At this time the numbers are usually averages and the differences are larger later in pregnancy. Some people are taller or shorter and usually it is down to genetics or even baby position (like if the baby has decided to hide a foot). The most important things are the milestones in organ development at this time so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Just remember baby birth weight range is very high and your baby is becoming a proper individual. For more assurance it may be worth talking to your midwife or a helpline or looking for statistics on size but I really wouldn't worry
Hey the exact same thing happened to me, hope all goes well with you!midwife told me 2 weeks ago that i was 34 cm too was concerned at first but im not letting myself stress about it, trusting God with everything :), im having my dr's appointment for my 38 weeks on tuesday next week , so we will see if ive got any bigger im sure it will be fine
good luck with everything! X
Thank you, feel much better now. Its my first baby so everything is worrying!!! I'm back at the midwife on Wed so we'll see then. Gd luck for Tue and I hope all is well with everything xx
Thats ok, glad you feel better! Its a whole new experience isnt it! At least we will know what to expect next time round! Hope your midwife appointment goes well Thanks , will keep you updated xx
let me know how your midwife appointment goes
I was just hte same, at 32 weeks I was measuring 29cm. By 34 weeks I was back on track. I think he was just saving himself up for a growth spurt!