I'm not having a gtt for 3 weeks and the midwife doesn't seem too concerned but I am worried something is wrong my previous babies were all around 7 pounds at birth could this mean she will be bigger?
I'm 28 weeks but bumps measuring 32 w... - Pregnancy and Par...
I'm 28 weeks but bumps measuring 32 weeks

Measuring bigger could be for a variety of reasons, but if your midwife isn't worried then you shouldn't either as she is a professional on the field. I know that it is easier said than done, but just go with the flow. Also, if your child is bigger, they can always induce you now that they have the chance to spot it early on
Don't worry, they will keep an eye on you. I was measuring big towards end of pregnancy and ended up having a growth scan at 37 weeks. They estimated baby's weight so well, than when she popped out at 37+5 there was only 40 g difference. She was 6.11 lbs. Been told was big only externally, so I blamed maternity leave for it, as when I finished work I sat at home and nom nom nom nom constantly.
I don't think there is much to worry about. The bump measurement is not very accurate and can even vary depending on who is doing the measuring. At some weeks during my pregnancy I was measuring big but not at others. My son was born 12 days late weighing 7lb 11oz - pretty average x
Thankyou ladies, I think I may have panicked more as I wasn't really showing and then after spending 2 days being lazy I got dressed and had a massive bump, my mum and sister are also diabetic and worried I may have gd and that was why she measured so big xx
Hi, I have the same issue. My fluid level fluctuated between 21.5 and 24.6. I've started getting stretch marks too. Feel big and tight. Told nothing they can do. Baby is also large. What about yours? X
They've not mentioned my fluid level , they suspect I have gestational diabetes but haven't bought my appointment forward fir the test, at my last scan babys legs measured longer than the proportions for the rest of her body I just don't know what to think I had my last baby 9 years ago and everything is different this time round its like being pregnant for the first time x