I am 5 weeks pregnant, only just foun... - Pregnancy and Par...

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I am 5 weeks pregnant, only just found out.

leanneclare profile image
45 Replies

This is my first so i am a little overwelmed, shocked scared and excited. but i have been having a dull ache in my stomach is this normal?

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leanneclare profile image
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45 Replies
rmh2012 profile image

Hi Leanne. Congratulations! Your body is working really hard right now, and many people will experience different symptoms and sensations. The NHS have great information about pregnancy symptoms (nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy.... But if you are concerned about any symptoms at this stage, you should definitely speak to your GP.


leanneclare profile image
leanneclare in reply to rmh2012

Thank u very much for your advise :-) xx

Hi Leanne,

Very exciting news! We also have information about various pregnancy discomforts people tend to experiences on the NCT website at nct.org.uk/pregnancy/pregna..., including various symptoms to look out for nct.org.uk/pregnancy/pregna....

rmh is right too that if you are feeling concerned, it is a good idea to speak to your GP or midwife who will be able to give you more thorough answers.

Hope this helps!

All the best,


leanneclare profile image
leanneclare in reply to

Thank u very much for your advice xx

Hi- you sound just like me! I found out on Monday and feel exactly the same. I also am experiencing some odd sensations in my stomach- I have read a few articles and I believe its normal, there are a whole lot of changes going on down there!!

leanneclare profile image
leanneclare in reply to

Congrats !! With it being my first I'm over panicking!!xx

Awah thanks honey and congratulations to you also.

This is my first too and I totally am with you on the panicking front! What sort of things are you panicking about?

Was it planned? Mine was but was still gob smacked when the test came back positive!!


leanneclare profile image
leanneclare in reply to

Silly things like did I dream it should I do another test (I've done four)lots of silly things I just want it to b ok our baby wasn't planned but we r sooo excited!!x

rmh2012 profile image

Leanne & Nicola, I already have a beautiful girl and am 18+ weeks with my second ... and still panicking at times! The instinct to protect still makes me question every ache, twinge or rumble in the belly! :) Your body is going through so many changes, that it's difficult to second guess what's supposed to feel normal.

Easy advice to give, but very hard to do - just try to relax and enjoy. I found daft things made it easier during my first pregnancy - things like talking to my tummy. The daft things made me laugh, and helped take attention away from niggling concerns (serious pain or concerns should always end in a doctor / midwife visit!!).

I also found that setting up an early ritual of paying attention to my tummy helped me feel nurturing, when most of the work was out of my hands (so to speak). I made sure I ate well, drank lots of water, took appropriate pregnancy supplements and had a daily walk. Paying extra attention to my tummy in the shower, regular exfoliation, followed by massaging with a body butter or tummy oil made me feel smashing, and helped establish a connection. Used to sing to the bubba during the shower ritual (once hearing was close to developing - lots of information online about what develops/when), and once she was born she really reacted to that particular song.

Reading up regularly on what changes were occurring with the baby and myself really helped as well. NHS website has a great slideshow nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Pregnanc... plus written info on stages of development nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy....

Hope some of this helps!! Good luck finding your own way of keeping your sanity during the early bits - the worry generally settles once you can feel the baby moving about.

All the best.

R x

Hi R-

thank you for the lovely message. Your advice is very good and I will take it onboard. I have started talking to my tummy already and have started writing a journal. Some of how I am feeling, some are for the baby- who my fiance has named Spud (no idea why but I kinda like it so its stuck).

I have these moments when I really wonder if its real, is he/she really in there? So much so I did another test last night just to check!! Daft I know.

I hope that as time passes I can relax into it and enjoy the time. Although have to say the constant feeling shattered is a bit annoying!!

Congratulations on your second baby- when are you due x

rmh2012 profile image
rmh2012 in reply to

Hi Nicola, absolute pleasure - I know how nerve wracking it can be! I'm still having moments where I wonder if it's all going ok! For me, the trickiest time is just after you can first feel tiny movements. Seems like (in my case, at least) I start feeling movements, then there's a drop in movements for a week or so. Could be me just getting used to the sensations, so notice them less until they are more pronounced. But for me it's the scariest time in the pregnancy. All I can say is, you've got a way to go on the wanting to check/double check that the baby is there and ok!

The second baby is due end of November - almost at the halfway mark, so the countdown will start soon!

We nicknamed our first 'little monkey' after her first scan - something about her movements during the scan. Her second scan was hilarious - she was bouncing off the wall of the womb it was a trampoline!

Lots of joys ahead of you yet, despite the small scares along the way.

R x

Hi Leanne

I am so the same. I keep thinking is it really happening? I did anotehr test last night just to prove to myself he's still there (its a he for now so is referred to as he or Spud).

When are you due? According to calculations my EDD is 1.3.2013. Have you been to your doctors yet? I am going today. I've read loads but feel like I have no idea what I am doing!!!

Glad you are both excited- its a really exciting time (even if it is terrifying)


leanneclare profile image

Thank u so much for your advice R it's move to know its normal!!!i have been talking lol but very aware it's the size of a pip congrats with your second x

rmh2012 profile image
rmh2012 in reply to leanneclare

Hi Leanne,

It feels most daft when the baby is that tiny and not showing at all. Over time, talking to your tummy seems far more natural - not sure if the size of the belly makes it more legitimate, or if I was just used to looking like a nutter by then :)

R x

leanneclare profile image

My boyfriend and I have named ours squirt!! Docs told me 25/02:2013 can't wait!!

ttolc07 profile image

I have some worries, my name is Leanne too by the way! Hello LeanneClare

I am 5 weeks 2 days and last year at about 5-6 weeks I miscarried and ended up in a EPU (early pregnancy unit). They asked me to call and update them when I had my next period and if it was all normal etc. Which it was, and I've had normal periods all year. I called them and spoke to someone and they just said thank you for letting us know. Then I kept receiving letters saying I hadn't got in touch and that they couldn't rule out 'eptopic' pregnancy. But I never made an appointment. I think everything is ok anyway.

So fast forward to this year and this pregnancy, and I don't have any spotting or bleeding like last year, I feel pretty good apart from some dull aches low down, a bit like period cramps, but they come and go. They mostly wake me up at 6am every morning. Then I go back to sleep. I don't feel nauseous at all, but I do have terrible wind and need to wee all the time.

I would really like an early internal scan like I had last year. I know that was because i was in a lot of pain and was bleeding, but I really feel as though everything last year was so immediate and I knew exactly where I stood. This time I feel like I'm just waiting. I couldn't get a GP appointment until next Wednesday, (only 6 more days) and then I'll be 6 weeks 1 day so maybe thats a good thing. But I'm not impressed by the lack of information, or confirmation. Been talking to a lot of ladies in the US and they've already had ultrasounds at 6 weeks and know for definite.

I just feel really worried and just want some good news.

I am 27 years old, I live in London and my edd (due to my own calculations is late Feb 2013)


leanneclare profile image

Hi Leanne I'm so sorry for what happened to u last year but congrats now!!i know what your saying about lack of info and being put at ease when in America it's different y is this??!i just keep being told not to stress and enjoy it!!! Hope your ok and congrats again. X

HI LeanneClare- Squirt thats so sweet!! It is really weird to think just how tiny they are right now but so much is going on!

Do you have your first midwife appointment booked? Mine's in 2 weeks and I'm really excited as will have the chance to ask lots of questions and get some reassurance!

Are you still getting those strange cramps/aching? They make me worry :-( And I naively thought my breasts were starting not to be so painful......but oh no, I was wrong. They still hurt like mad!!!

nici77 profile image

Hi Leanne

Congrats to both you and Nicola :o)

I found out Im pregnant yesterday morning and am so excited and also alittle freaked out. Spent all day yesterday and today sneakily searching websites for info (instead of working) and signing up to everything I could find :o)

Our was planned and have been trying for about 8 months however I am stil totally shocked and still cant quite believe Im pregnant.

I am off to see the Dr on Tuesday morning. NICOLA How did your first appointment go??

Like both you you I am having strange pains in my tummy and have been super tired for about a week.

Not sure of the actual date yet but I have estimated it being 28th Feb 2013


in reply to nici77

Hi Nici77

Congratulations on ur wonderful news!! I did exactly the same thing the next day at work once I'd found out! Trying to find out as much as possible. I hadn't looked too much before because it's sondosappoining when you only get one line or the dreaded 'not pregnant'.

Doctors was a waste of time! Because I'd used a clearblue digital she didn't even confirm it! Gave me an information book ad said book ur midwife appointment. My booking in appointment is in less than two weeks- I am excited about that, finally something to make it all seem real!

Looks like we are all due around the same time- its reassuring to hear others are experiencing the same symptoms, makes me less paranoid!

How tu feeling now? Takes a while to sink in hey


nici77 profile image
nici77 in reply to

EEK sorry only just seen these posts

Drs appointment was a complete waste of time for me too. We recently moved so she just said well you need to change your DRs asap as your out of our Zone now so I cant help you.

Was so gutted and was just about in tears, suppose its my own fault for not switching earlier but still....

Seeing my new DR on Monday morning and this time after hearing other peoples first appointments Im not gonna get to excited until im booked to see a midwife.

Im actually feeling not too bad. My boobs are growing and are ridiculously sore, yesterday at work I had to undo my bra and just hoped no one noticed HAHA. Constant peeing, really forgetful and super tired.

How have you been?

Have you told many people yet? I so so desperate to blurt it out but. A girl at work yesterday asked how my baby making plans are coming on - man it was so tempting.


in reply to nici77

Morning Nici77

Lovely to hear from you! Sorry about the waste of your time with the doctors, its really disheartening isn't it when you are excited and then its a let down. We walked out of mine both saying 'what an absolute waste of time'. Finace says he has no confidence in her at all so I will make sure I don't see her again.

Hope that your next apt with the new GP goes well and that they are supportive and interested (be nice hey!). A week today and I will be getting ready for my booking appointment, can't wait. Have tons of questions to ask.

I am the same, my breasts just seem to keep growing and growing and boy are they sore. Its even uncomfortable to sleep sometimes I have to put them in certain positions so I'm not laying on them!! I've not had any morning sickness yet (touch wood) but like you feeling totally shattered by the time I get in from work. The past few nights have been asleep by about 8pm!

We've only told Fiances Dad and partner and my best friend. Thats it. Wold love to tell people but keeping quiet until I've had my 12 week scan to make sure everything is ok. What about you?

Been looking at baby stuff, a bit early I know but its fun and I am bored at work. Managed to wrack up £550 in Mama's and Papa's yesterday on my wish list..............

Have you gotten your head round the fact that you are having a baby yet? Sometimes I sort of think I'm getting there, then I think, its not just a phase, its not going away and things are going to be so different.................Its a bit mind blowing really.

Keep in touch xx

in reply to nici77

Ni Nici77

How did you get on at the doctors? I've been checking my EDD and a few seem to concur that its 28th Feb like you x

Wickerbox profile image

Hi ladies & congratulations!! I found out on Thursday and according to the digital test I'm 2-3 weeks but I think that means about 5 if calculated from my last period. This is my first time and I also have a dull ache in my tummy so a bit concerned. I'm going to do a second test as cant quite believe as I thought a lot more "effort" would be needed at my age to get pregnant (I'm 40). Am also concerned because of my age and feel like I'm tempting fate if I give it a name

Congratulations Wickerbox!!! That's brilliant news it didn't take as much "effort" as you'd anticipated.

I think this dull ache in the stomach is parr for the course, we've all had/having it. I suppose in some ways it's reassuring it's all going well. Mine seems to have eased off a bit but my breasts are still massively sore and growing at a rate of knots !!!

Wishing you all the best x

Wickerbox profile image

Thanks NicolaSL. Mine are very tender but touch wood still the same size. Am dreading that bit as I've got quite big boobs already :-( I feel thicker round my waist but I think that's psychological - think its a bit early for that!! X

Hi Wickerbox. Mine are the same size too- just tender! Fiancé is loving how big they are, look like a Barrie doll!!

I feel bigger just below my belly button and some of my trousers are getting snug already. Not so pleased about that! I've read we get water retention at this time so. I've not put much weight on so that's good. How about you?

Wickerbox profile image

The same. My husband thinks I'm being paranoid but I definately feel flabbier round my tummy, although have lost 1lb according to the scales!! Will feel better when I have seen the doctor next Monday as I'm still thinking its not real and something will go wrong. My mum had 5 miscarriages and then had me at 39 so slightly paranoid. I think I will also feel better when ive done another test which I'm going to do on Saturday. How long do you usually wait for s midwife appointment after seeing the doctor?

I don't think we are being paranoid- you know when you are getting bigger regardless if you've put on weight (I had to go and buy new trousers as got in a proper state yesterday morning trying to find something to wear to work!!!)

Are you going to the docs to confirm or for your booking appointment? I guess with your family history you are bound to feel slightly paranoid- I would say don't worry it'll be totally fine but if it was me I'd still worry! Will keep everything crossed for you x

How come you are doing another test? Just for peace of mind?

I am having to wait 2 weeks to see the midwife, but she is only at my practice every other Friday so I just missed out, although a lot of practices don't book you until you are at least 8+ weeks. I am looking forward to going as so far I've had no intervention at all and it sort of makes it seem less real.

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to

Hiya. Not quite sure what the doctors appt will be but as I have epilepsy thought it best to go see him as I will probably have to see the epilepsy midwife (who I have seen last year before we even started doing anything about it, just to see if there would be any implications). Have decided to do 2nd test tomorrow - just to confirm its real!! Am concerned due to family history so am almost waiting for something to go wrong so just feel I need a bit of reassurance :-) Good luck at your midwife appointment x

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to Wickerbox

Done test and a week more pregnant than I was last week according to the test :-)

in reply to Wickerbox

Hiya- this made me laugh- see told you it would be ok xxx

It made me laugh because of course you'll be more pregnant then you were last week! Bless xxx

in reply to Wickerbox

I don't blame you for booking to see the doctor, I think the sooner they know the better in your case honey.

I think every women feels its not real until they see their baby on the screen and everything is ok! I am sure everything will be totally fine for you xx

I'll let you know how I get on. Am really excited about going now. Have booked the day off work as its a lunch time appointment and about 25 mintutes from where I work so not really practicle. Plus I want to have a lay in and relax before hand.

We are going to stay with my Fiance's Dad that weekend, will be really nice and I'm looking forward to it. Him and his Fiancee are the only ones we've told and she's an ex nurse so will be good to be able to talk about it!

I don't know about you, but other than ever growing, sore breasts the only other symptom I have is feeling totally shattered! I feel like a nap around 1pm ish but recently when I've gotten home I'm too tired to cook and asleep by 9pm (which really isn't like me at all!!)- are you finding that? x

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to

I'm lucky that I finish at 4.oopm (although I start at 7.30 so that will be fun if morning sickness decides to kick in) but yes, I feel shattered by about 2pm and could quite happily put my head on my desk and fall asleep - possibly a bit of a giveaway lol!! I'd planned to keep going to the gym after work a couple of times a week as i'm a little chunky and don't really want to put on any more weight than I can help but that's gone out of the window.

I am still having period like stomach ache and sometimes when I stand up a feeling like i've pulled a muscle, which is a bit worrying. I feel really bloated and my stomach is really swollen , although I haven't put on any weight :-( Wore skinny jeans to work today and they were really tight around my tummy so am currently trying to convince hubby that if all is ok I may have to buy another pair of jeans in a bigger size as I'm a way off needing maternity clothes but am not going to be uncomfortable for the next few weeks.

We can compare doctor experiences on Monday night!!


Hello- that's good that you finish fairly early, although a 7:30am start is pretty early!! I contract at the moment so can work what ever hours I want so fiish around 3:30pm most days which I am loving!

I've not had any morning sickness yet, am hoping that it steers clear of me (and you!). I'm the same, I found my eyes closing the other day adn had to go for a walk to wake up! Not really what you want to be doing at work.

I've been meaning to re-start my exercise prgramme again as well, but I am so drained when I get in that its an effort just to stay awake let alone exercise! Am glad its not just me :)

I am also having weird cramps, its not the same as period pains, more of a dull aching. My tummy is def bloated and quite hard at times, its very odd. I've put on a couple of lbs but I'm not surprised as quite small so bound to. Plus I think most of it is on my breasts!!!

Shopping!!! any reason to hit the shops I say! I am going to need to buy some new work clothes for when I start my new job (brilliant timing hey??) as my trousers are all fitted and a little bit too snug for my liking now.

Do you have your booking appointment? Are you excited? This time next week I'll have had mine and hopefully feel more confident about whats going on xx

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to

No booking appointment yet - have an appointment at docs tomorrow so I guess it might follow from there. Feeling even more shattered today as did Race for Life today - starting to seize up now!! On the plus side hubby bought me some loose fitting tops so should be able to hide it for a while!! X

Am sure the doctors will ask you to make ur booking appointment. Good luck at the doctors.

I bet you are shattered. I did gardening all afternoon, can't remember citing the grass being such hard work! Well done you xx

Brownie points for hubby!

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to

Docs appointment all good. He will be getting midwife to call me - seems a bit more real now. On the downside have been advised not to go ahead with a trip to New York in October due to risk of blood clots on the long haul flight - risk is increased in pregnancy and is higher for me as I've had one before :-( So need to come up with a destination in Europe to rival it! Let us know how you get on with the midwife x

Glad to hear its feeling more real for you x

That is a shame about ur trip to NYC though but I suppose it I a bit dodgy

that many months gone. Do you have any where in mind? How about Italy?

I will indeed let you know how it goes. Only 3 days left! x

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to

Now have 2 midwife appointments over the next 2 Tuesdays as I also have to see an epilepsy midwife. Jeans are definitely getting tighter :-(

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to Wickerbox

Hi Nicola. How did your appointment go? I ended up having a scan today as I had a car accident yesterday..... and I seem to be having twins!!! That explains the clothes feeling tight :-)

HanyKuc profile image
HanyKuc in reply to Wickerbox

Hi, I've been reading your posts, think you're doing amazing. Hope the car accident didn't shake you up too much, wishing you all the best. Congratulations on the twins! What a suprise it must be to you. Never mind New York, just be safe. I'm 6 or 7 weeks myself, took 2 tests 2 weeks ago and getting to the stage where I'm paranoid and thinking about another test. Seen midwife a week ago, rather disappointing, all about paperwork and no real interest in myself, it was all very rushed, midwife was 40 minutes late. I would advise anyone to keep a list of questions ready, I forgot to ask almost everyhting I've planned. Loosing my brain, my waist has disappeared and boobs are sore that I can't sleep and I'm only B cup - currently C, hurray! Is anybody else constipated? I thought this happens later on but clearly not!

I wonder ho Nicola got on with her appointment, hope all is well.

Wickerbox profile image
Wickerbox in reply to HanyKuc

Hi hanykuc. Congratulations!! My midwife has warned me that there is mostly paperwork at the appointment so I'm not expecting much. I'm fine after the car crash - much better than the car at at least it meant I got a scan early ( every cloud) so have 5 extra weeks to get my head round the news. I am currently an F cup so god knows what size I'll end up!! Am dreading how much weight I'll put on - have always been unhappy with my weight (although I'm a size 10-12 so not huge) but usually if things feel a bit tight I can cut back and lose a couple of pounds. It's a wierd feeling knowing I can't do anything about it now!! And yes with you on the constipation - I now get very excited if I get to go!! How sad lol x

Hello- so glad you're ok after the accident! Must have really knocked you for six being pregnant. So pleased everything is ok x

Wow- twins. How are you adjusting to the fact pure having two bundles of joy?

My appointment was a let down. Was a stand in midwife, she was great and all but was jut paper work. No tests or anything so am disappointed. My proper midwife wil call and arrange a home visit which in hoping will be better. But at least I'm booked into the hospital o my choice and my scan is being booked.

Don't mention boobs- mine are really tender. Need to get more new bras as mine are getting small already and that's after buying bigger ones two weeks ago. Before getting pregnant was a size 6 amazingly can still fit in my skinny jeans!

Midwife said just accept the weight gain is for the best reason on the world and feel happy with it. Easier said then done!!


HanyKuc profile image

Hi Nicola & Wickerbox, isn't it funny how you can be so tiny with big boobs? I'm size 12-14 and finally, for the first time in my life, C cup! I personally don't worry about the weight gain, I eat healthily and what will be, will be... never been a fan of gym or any kind of exercise apart from swimming. Oh but I'm already showing, it's unbelievable. Wickerbox, with twins, have you got a bump yet? How are you feeling over all? regarding the constipation, I bought some Fybogel, suggested by midwife and hallelujah, every day!

Anyway, finally received my dating scan date, another 6 weeks which I wasn't happy about so changed it to 4 weeks so it's still within the 11 - 14 weeks period. Off to bed now, need to catch up on some sleep....

All the best to you both x

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