Found out this morning after being in denial about it for months after missing my period. Booking my first gp appointment today to decide what to do
Just found out i’m pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Just found out i’m pregnant

I’m not sure this is a post to say congratulations. If you’ve been in denial for months and therefore are months along you’re choices may be limited. However, this is your pregnancy and your body. The choice is entirely yours.
This a fertility forum for poor women struggling to conceive and maybe you have caught me in a bad hour but I’m not sure what you want us to say there are hundreds of women would love to be in your position right now but you do what’s right for you but I doubt this is the plavmce to be telling us you don’t know what to do if you didn’t want to get pregnant take precautions and good luck 👍 there’s women on here losing babies every day I’m just baffled at your post and I’m usually rooting for everyone to do so well this has just made me sad as a woman ttc myself
When I first found out I was pregnant I did a quick google and I clicked on the nhs website. It was then that this site was recommended to me and there was no mention that it was solely for women struggling with fertility, if I had known that I would have never gone on it in the first place. If they had been more clear with what the support on this group was for I wouldn’t be on here. I would like to make it clear that NOWHERE on that recommendation did it say that it was solely for women struggling to get pregnant. If you’re having a bad day perhaps you shouldn’t be replying to someone struggling with such a sensitive topic. I really didn’t appreciate your reply.
I just realised I posted this and it’s not the fertility forum I’m on they seem to be combined I do apologise sorry
I’m a bit confused as this is the NCT forum not the fertility forum so it’s ok for this lady to post this

Yes thank you I was very confused too. I do have genuine sympathy for women struggling to conceive and I would never purposefully post on a group that was solely for women struggling with such an awful thing, so I was seriously confused too as their was no mention that it was solely for this when I joined the site