Hello I’ve just joined here coming from the fertility network. We had an embryo transfer in December and found out the embryo split and we have potentially identical twins.
I’m at the point where the hospital can’t tell much till the babies grow more so it’s quite frustrating as no one is giving me much reassurance.
At present twin 1 is 5.6mm heartbeat 110 and twin 2 is 6.1mm with heartbeat of 126. They said it’s good both babies are similar size however they are measuring 9-11 days behind as I’m 7 weeks and 3 days. The twins appear to be in one sac and sharing the same yolk sac. The are also very close together. At this stage they said just wait and be scanned in another 10 days. They said they not overly concerned but we are a special case. I just wondered if anyone has been in a similar position with good outcome. Just trying to find some reassurance as 10 days feel like a long way away. 🥹 thank you xx