Hi, Has anyone experienced a fever with teething? 15 month old, teething and has had a temperature of 38 for last 3 days
Teething: Hi, Has anyone experienced a... - Pregnancy and Par...

There is divided opinion as to whether teething causes a fever. Fever is an immune response. However, when a baby is teething this can cause inflammation of the gums which can cause a fever as a response to the inflammation. Both my boys got a slight temperature at times when they were teething. And they would get flushed cheeks as well. So it could be teething. Or your little one has picked up a virus. There are plenty of viruses going around. Does your little one go to nursery? I would give some Calpol and monitor their temperature.
If it continues for a couple more days then I’d speak to a doctor. My little one had a fever for days, kept giving calpol etc… she actually seemed fine in herself so wasn’t too worried, then one day her temp was sky high and she went all floppy. Turned out she had a nasty ear infection, I felt terrible but she was showing no obvious signs of it, I thought it was probably just a virus or teething. I always think with fevers if they are hanging around for 5 days or more then speak to a doctor.
Thank you. To be honest we ended up in A&E in the early hours with the same thing. Shes been absolutely fine in herself, big teething pushing through and then last night her temperature sky rocketed and we couldn’t get it down. I felt terrible 😞
I don't know, my 15 month is teething and hasn't had any fever or temperature & has been out and about to baby classes
My daughter is 16 months and was a late teether and she had a temperature with her back teeth when they were coming through and horrendous nights but she also at nursery aswell so possibly could be a cold of some sort aswell they tend to put everything in there mouth when teething so germs and all sorts