Hi all. I’m new here just been lurking around the last week or so but I’ve found myself in Limbo at the moment and wondered if anyone had advice or similar experiences.
I started bleeding on Thursday night. I knew about spotting and implantation but this seemed like more blood than I was expecting. Throughout the night I had a bad stomach ache and woke up to see the bleeding had intensified; it was enough that I needed a panty liner but not as much as with my period.
I called 111 who had the on call doctor call me, by which time the pain in my stomach had localised to lower left hand side of the abdomen. He told me to go straight to A and E and it could be ectopic.
I was in the hospital waiting a couple of hours, they did a pregnancy test (positive) and felt my stomach. Towards the end the pain did seem to have been moved a bit and it had never got more intense than like a 5 or 6. The on call gynaecologist felt that it was more likely to be the start of a miscarriage than an ectopic pregnancy but all they could do was book me in for a scan on Wednesday and for me to take some home pregnancy tests un between.
I literally didn’t move for the rest of the day I was so scared. The pain moved around all day. Sometimes like period pain, sometimes more around the front of my vagina and sometimes it felt more like it was my digestive system like constipation (which I don’t have, but my stomach has been rumbling a lot since I found out I was pregnant)
By this morning (Saturday) the pain had gone but the bleeding still continues accompanied by some small clots. I do not t really know what to do now, I suppose there is nothing I can do until my scan! It just seems such a long time away. It’s not like I’m bleeding a lot but it is continuing which seems like too much to me. Does anyone have any advice or similar expertise?
Ps. Just to add I do not have an assigned midwife yet which is why everything went through the hospital etc,! I’m not sure how early this normallly happens but I applied a week ago and only just got a confirmation last night that they received it.