So confused with my due date! I found out I was pregnant on 2nd nov, my LMP was on 25th September, according to my midwife I am 10 weeks 5 days however went for a private scan last night which said I’m 8 weeks 5 days - I’m so confused as this will make me 11 weeks at my 12 week scan! Should I say anything to my midwife or leave as is? Thank you in advance x
How many weeks pregnant am I? - Pregnancy and Par...
How many weeks pregnant am I?

I wouldn't worry, at your 12 week scan they'll update your EDD to what you measure then and that's what they'll use for the remainder of your pregnancy, my DD was moved on by a few days when I went, LMP made my due date 7th September, scan said 11th and baby was induced on the 3rd. They can do your 12 week scan anytime from 10 to 14 weeks, so you'll fall between those dates easily. You could always let the sonographer at your 12 week scan know you've had different dates at your private scan and see what they say, you may have just ovulated later than you in your cycle. Congratulations on your pregnancy x
My last period was on the 5th of September so 13th week However, I had a scan and found out I am only 8 weeks
Go by what they tell you at the scan which is usually more accurate. My midwife used her calendar to work my due date out but the scan told Ms something different, although only 1 day out of eachother but baby was overdue and came 4 days later than EDD as I was over due so don't worry too much . Good luck
Hi I had my transfer on 18th oct had a viability scan where they told me I was 7wk2d then a few weeks later,( this weds) I had a dating scan and they said 10wks1 d which is basically what I had so I personally would go from the scan but up to you. Lots of luck x