Hi ladies was wondering if anyone could help I’m 8 weeks pregnant Ino a little early on still however I’ve not herd off my midwife yet when I had my phone appointment to get referred at 5 weeks they said she should be in touch ?? Also was wondering how long it took to get your letters from hospital for ur dating scans I just need to get some dates in that I an to look forward to xx
Dating scan and midwife : Hi ladies was... - Pregnancy and Par...
Dating scan and midwife

It seems to vary a lot by area/midwife. I didn't hear from mine until 10 weeks and my booking bloods didn't end up being done until 11 weeks. It would be worth chasing them up just to make sure you haven't been forgotten but I expect they will just tell you to wait. xx
Oh I have and I was told told once my letter came off the hospital they should imagine the midwife will then get in touch I just need something to hold on to atm lol Fanks for the reply xx
Mines the same. Haven’t had a letter yet and i’m 7 weeks but my booking appointment is booked in for when i’m 11 weeks. Such a long time to wait.
It really is I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and tkme just drags I just want to know my baba is ok I try go on these pages for support TJen end up reading loads of stories about misscariages or mmc or etopic and makes me even more worried 😟
If you're really worried, you could always book a private scan. They are usually under 100 quid. I had ones at 7w with my IVF clinic and also 10w as I did a private NIPT (due to my age) and they scan with that. I at least knew he wasn't ectopic but really the relief only lasts 24h then it's something else to worry about! xx
You can have your dating scan between 10 and 14 weeks. I think I had my letter about 2 weeks before the appointment.
Hello, I know this doesn't really answer your question but I had an 8 week scan which I paid £49 for at 'Window to the Womb' in Coventry (but they have a few locations over the UK)...I couldn't recommend it enough. I'm now 17 weeks pregnant with my first baby and having the 8 week scan was so reassuring to see the baby's heart beat and to know that he/she is ok It turned out to be such a special day, so if you can't wait for your 12 week scan I would definitely recommend this xx
Thanku I will look I to booking it Fanku I’m just so anxious I keep hearing loads of ppl stories about mmc and I’m totally nervous to go to my scan incase it’s bad news I’ve got 2 older children I don’t remember being so worried and anxious… congratulations to u and hope u have a smooth pregnancy x
Thank you I was really anxious too because I've wanted this baby for soooo long. When the lady told us the heart beat is really strong, I just burst out crying with relief and overwhelming happiness! It made me feel so much better going to the NHS 12 week scan as we'd already seen that it was ok at 8 weeks + 4 days. Obviously you can't see much at 8 weeks, just a little blob and a heartbeat (and we saw little arm buds too where the arms would grow)...I would recommend you drink 2 pints of water an hour before the scan. The lady told us our scan was one of the clearest 8 week scans she's ever seen because I'd done so brilliantly with drinking and holding my bladder! I could even make out a little face on the picture
so I would recommend you just go for the 8 week scan if you can, because it will help you feel less anxious for the 12 week scan. xx
I’ve just booked one for the 16th of October il be 10 weeks 5 days then Fanku hun it’s at 11.15 so will av to drink early and lots lol x
Yes it is difficult to drink lots especially so early in pregnancy when you are probably feeling sick/nauseous! So worth it though to get a clearer picture! We got 1 printout of a photo which we got to choose from a collection. And then the brilliant thing is they email you a link to access ALL your photos and videos from the scan, to keep forever. We have a video where the baby did a little jump/shuffle to the side! If your scan is at 11.15 then I wouldn't start drinking too early because you will be bursting for the loo too soon lol. Although I'm just weird because I find it easy to down a pint of water, so I just drank 2 pint glasses 1 hour before my appointment. It did make me feel a bit sick though, so if you can drink 1.5 pints at home and then fill up a bottle to sip in the car on the way, you will be totally fine And once you see the baby your mind will not think about how much you need the loo!
I had two scans (6wks &9wks) with the same organisation as above and I can't recommend them highly enough. I was (and still am) very anxious from two early losses and they were very reassuring and understanding. I was worried as I'd heard about some places just being 'baby photographers' and no help if something is wrong, by the sonographer I had also works for the NHS and I could have cried just at how sensitive he was (I cried anyway from relief when he said everything was ok!) I hadn't got far enough before for the midwife so I had nothing to compare the timings to, but it took what felt like forever for them to get in touch, then they suddenly sprang into action - had my booking appointments and bloods this week (10wks) and my letter's just come through for the 12wk scan. So hopefully it will be soon for you x
I was 11 weeks when I had my booking appointment with midwife, bloods were done the week after. At my 12 week scan I was actually 13 weeks +4 days and I think if I remember correctly we only got told a few days before - I had to chase it. I was referred to midwife early on too, but might just be a wait depending on your area.
Congratulations on your pregnancy 🥰 wish you all the best!
Hello! I remember posting this exact question on here and was getting really worried. I got a letter from the hospital pretty quickly for a 12 week scan but a midwife didn't get in touch with me til about 11 weeks for a booking in appointment and blood tests. I was phoning the midwife's office once a week and kept chasing them. I think they are very busy. In the end I put in a complaint because no one had got in touch and then they did. Sounds a bit drastic I know but I had read on the NHS site you're supposed to have blood tests at around 10 weeks. So I'd just say keep chasing. Once you've got your midwife sorted everything seems to go pretty smoothly from there and they're very organised. I think as other people have said it depends on where you live though. Where I live seemed particularly busy and short staffed but could be better elsewhere. Good luck and congratulations!
Mine must be busy too, have my booking appointment when i’m 11 weeks, i’m only 9 weeks at the moment and still waiting for my scan letter to come, how many weeks were you when your scan letter came through?