I had my daughter 6days with for a forcep delivery and ended up with a 2nd degree tear and stitches, has this happened to anyone else and do you have tips to help with the pain and healing i am struggling to walk and the pain isnt the nicest.
I had my daughter 6days with for a forcep delivery and ended up with a 2nd degree tear and stitches, has this happened to anyone else and do you have tips to help with the pain and healing i am struggling to walk and the pain isnt the nicest.
Hello, first of all congratulations on the birth of your baby girl, I had exactly the same delivery as you last year, on top of that I had really painful piles. For me it helped a lot not sitting directly on my stitches, I would do „swimming ring” shape with my pregnancy pillow and sit in the middle, also while using a toilet I would pour cold water on my stitches to relieve the pain, also airing the private parts as much as possible to speed the healing helps a lot. First few days are really hard, especially while taking care of a newborn, but as soon as the stitches starts to come out it will get better and less painful!
Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s still early days, our first walk was when my son was 12 days and still I was walking like a 80 year old lady. For a reason postpartum period lasts up to 6 weeks after delivery, don’t tire yourself too much and keep your stitches clean and airy, day by day you will feel better
I was the same - I was thinking am I ever going to heal up. A couple of times I left my son with my other half, took half hour by myself with some ice in a towel against my stitches helped loads. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I had forceps and an episiotomy that they actually cut onto my bum cheek. I would say firstly take it easy, I 100% over did it. Secondly as someone said above you need to air it. I put bath towels down on the bed and just left everything to 'dry ' out as I also had an infection. When going to the toilet number 2 also take some toilet roll and hold it up against the vajajay area so the pressure doesn't get to much, it helped me relax. It's taken me nearly 4 weeks to feel a little more normal. But it is getting easier every day. I think it hurts more around d 1wk than the beginning because the adrenaline from birth etc is still there.You got this mama its definitely hard but you can do it. You're amazing xxx
Hello! I am sorry you are struggling.. I have not given birth yet but cannot imagine the amount of discomfort that is coming. I have heard about some soothing sprays for the perineal area that are made mostly of essential oils, no idea how good these are! There are also some flexible cold pads that can be placed in the underwear and I guess that should provide some relief too... hope any of it helps!
Get some pure aloe Vera gel and keep it in the fridge. When you change your pad put some on. I found it really helped. Also don’t be scared of pain killers. When your stitches dissolve it will be itchy. I thought I had thrush as no one warned me! Hope you feel better soon.
I was recommended a few drops of lavender oil in some milk, and then put that in your bath. Helps the wound to heal, which worked well for me