Hi I’m new to this I’m 28 weeks pregnant and been told that I possible might have too much fluid around baby and ive got to go for a scan next Wednesday just wanted to know if any other mums have been through this and any advice would be much appreciated
Big bump: Hi I’m new to this I’m 2... - Pregnancy and Par...
Big bump

Hi I was told the same at my 28 week scan. The scan showed I had excess fluid (moderate levels) . They said it normally comes if you have gestational diabetes but I don't have that. They said there is no clear explanation for it and all they can do is keep monitoring. So they asked me to come for another scan at 32 weeks which I had last week. The levels were back to normal range.
I was measuring big at each appointment so was booked for many growth scans couldn't work out if I had alot of fluid or baby was big turns out I had both when baby was big. They just monitor you check all is ok, I was also over due to at 40+ 3 days
Hi, I too had a big bump and was told the same. When I went for the scan evrything was normal but because my baby was too big I had to do c section
Hi I was measuring big to at 28 weeks had 3 growth scan @32, 34& 36 they said my son was a big baby, no GD or too much fluid. My baby was born @ 39 weeks 4 days and was 3.4 kgs so quite a normal weight. So I wouldn’t worry as most of the time there’s no clear explanation why you are measuring big.
Hi I’m 32 wks +4 and I was told last week at my growth scan I have mild Polyhydramnios . It has sent me into a whirlwind of anxiety as I made the mistake of googling. I’m now going for fortnightly scans and twice weekly Doppler scans. Just praying all will be fine. X
Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know when you read those risks) but my first pregnancy was undiagnosed and that was severe polyhydramnios, I flooded the delivery suite haha, and I had no issues with the baby. This time around its milder, i've been in hospital the last week (Placenta Previa, not for Poly) and not once has anyone been concerned about my poly.
They will just keep an eye after your waters have gone as the baby has had a bit more room to move/swim around
I had Poly with my first and I've got it again with my second (33 weeks currently).
Try not worry about it, they just keep an extra eye on you. My first was undiagnosed and I had 3.5 litres of fluid but baby was fine but I was induced at 38 weeks as they thought the baby was big (she was 8lb) but they just kept an extra eye during labour as she would have had a lot of room to move before they broke my waters etc so they keep an eye on stats.
But it's a super common thing to have so my consultant says and if there is any concern they would get you a GTT test (I've had the two, both negative) and I've also had a blood test to see if they could figure out if anything has caused it but again nothing has came up! But there's been no concerns mentioned especially after GTT test so try not to worry I like to think they've just got more space to swim around haha.