I am nearly 15 weeks pregnant and started getting head aches everyday and i dont want to keep having to take paracetamol to try releave the pain a little as anyone any tips to help or experienced the same thing, this is my first baby and i dont want to bother the mid-wife for something so miner.
Pregnancy head ache: I am nearly 1... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnancy head ache

It's not a bother to contact your midwife, they would rather you call them and it be nothing then not and they're be a problem. I would call them and see if you can get checked over and make sure everything is OK and see if they can give you some advice.I would say, keep hydrated and eat well your body is doing a lot of hard work, and try maybe to do some relaxation exercises to see if it's a bit of a tension headache. Also a nice walk in the fresh air always make my head feel better if that's possible for you to do.
Im also 15 weeks and have been experiencing headaches. I was told paracetamol is fine to take but I havent done yet iv been trying to plough through them! I think they are fairly common with all the hormonal changes, hopefully they settle down soon! Drink lots of water!
Hey! I was getting them almost every day and it’s so annoying. I’m almost 17 weeks now and they’ve just started to pass. I just took paracetamol on the days that it was worst but other than that tried to drink as much water as I could xx
It probably isn't anything to worry about as I don’t think it can happen that early on, but headaches that cant be relieved by paracetamol can be a sign of preeclampsia, so definitely take some and contact your midwife if it doesn’t relieve itself. But again its probably more likely to be a dehydration or your body just coping with lots of hormones!
Just to be clear, the way paracetamol works has nothing to do with gestation. If you're in pain then take the adult dose. Don't suffer on for no reason. We can't take things like ibuprofen etc. because of its effects on lymph which is an important part of being pregnant. Paracetamol just reduces the nerve messages of pain to your brain.
4head is an option. You apply it to your forehead rather than ingest and it a natural remedy. Some say it works, some say it doesn't. Might be worth a try if you don't want to take too many paracetamol. But paracetamol are safe to take so don't suffer unnecessarily if the pain is really bad.The cause of the headaches is most likely to be either dehydration or hormones. Drink lots. If that doesn't work, console yourself that they will pass as your hormones settle down.
If you are over 35 or have a BMI over 40 you are more likely to get gestational diabetes or pre eclampsia during pregnancy, for which headaches can be a symptom, so that's worth looking into and speaking to your midwife about if you fall into either of those categories or have personal nor family history of diabetes or blood pressure/clotting issues.
I got headaches too - I get them before my period so I think it’s a hormone thing. I’d definitely tell midwife and never worry about bothering her, but it’s likely to be hormonal and might get better the further along you get. Take paracetamol at normal dose and drink lots of water . X