Hey everyone. I’m currently 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I’ve never been pregnant before so I have nothing to base my symptoms off of but I feel like I’m not having as much breast pain as I should. A month or so ago they were really sore but now it’s more a less just my nipples that are sensitive. I’m just wondering if that’s a normal thing because I feel like they don’t hurt as much as they should. Thank you in advance.
Symptoms : Hey everyone. I’m currently... - Pregnancy and Par...

I never had any breast pain or nipple pain. There is no normal, each person had their own very unique symptoms so I would try not to worry if you don't have many symptoms.
Congratulations on your pregnancy xx
With my first I had breast pain and really sore nipples till I hit the second trimester 12 weeks but with my second I never had breast pain or sore nipples... so it's totally normal not to have breast pain... as stated above everyone is different and have different symptoms. Try not to worry xx
Hey don’t worry. I am 21 weeks and I only had sensitive breasts during the first few weeks. I haven’t even had any pain at all. I only had lots of nausea during the first trimester but now I am back to my normal self! And everything is fine.
I wouldn’t worry I’m on my 4 th baby now 5th pregnancy and everyone is different in regards to breast changes sometimes it can come and go
Congratulations 🥳
Congratulations..On my first I didn't have lot symptoms besides nausea in the morning, with my second I just has sore nipples until I was 14 weeks ,So everyone is different just try to relax and enjoy the journey