Hi there
Sorry if this is triggering but I hate wasting doctors time so I’m wondering what to do.
3 weeks ago at 4 weeks pregnant (just got positive test) I started bleeding, couldn’t have a scan as too early doc diagnosed miscarriage/chemical preg. Sent me home, said I’ll have a period/bleed and I’ll get negative tests almost right away as so early.
Bleeding stopped for a week then started again, not as heavy as my period. Some tiny clots. Bled for 5 days. I usually bleed for 8 days, very heavy.
Now I’m 2 weeks and 5 days post initial bleed, still getting positives but they aren’t strong positives, but defo strong. I called doc back last week and they said I should start to see negative tests.
Last few days I’ve been having cramping and sharp pains on my left side, with spotting. I’m also exhausted drained and covered in zits. I’m convinced I’ve lost the baby and my miscarriage isn’t finished. My husband wants me to go a and e incase of infection but I hate wasting doctors time especially given certain circumstances.
Should I ride it out as the GP has said? Or given my cramping and spotting go to a and E? As it was such an early loss I’m confused why my tests are still pos. (attached photo, dates are March 2021. First positive was end of feb just bleeding started wed 3rd March)