I just got back home from the ER I was gushing clots and blood like if I was having a miscarriage went through 3 pads and bleed like crazy after ultrasound but dr said baby is fine hcg levels are good. My cervix is slightly open... have to wait and check my hcg levels in a few days. Has anyone been through this? Sorry for the graphic image.
Bleeding and clotting after intercour... - Pregnancy and Par...
Bleeding and clotting after intercourse at 9 weeks

Hi lovely. I haven't been through this but couldn't just read and not leave a comment.
Really hope everything is ok. Keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻💗
Not been through it as such, but I have everything crossed for you that you get a good outcome! X
I miscarried at 11 weeks in 2014 and some of my clots did look a lot like this but when I was scanned it was confirmed that the baby had no heartbeat so its a positive sign that they have said that to you. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss I know it’s not easy I miscarried in August 2019 but they told me the baby didn’t develop at 7 weeks then miscarried at 11 then had to have a d&c. very hard, painful, scary and sad thing to go through!!! I’m going tomorrow to check my hcg hoping for good news. Have to have hope cause I’m not trying after this pregnancy it’s just too much to go through!!! Hugs to you! Thnx for replying. Xo
Had blood test done today and idk what to think. My hcg went up only 300 in 3 days. Doctor says to make another appt for an ultrasound and that my hcg will start to slow down around this stage but it seems it might be alittle to slow... idk... ughh I hate this!!
That's so tough, I can't imagine what you're going through. When can you have your next ultrasound? Thinking of you x
So I finally got some answers looks like my placenta might be alittle detached or is detaching....idk..... have an ultrasound coming up to see.. have to keep an eye on it... so hard to get excited with this pregnancy.... next week I get my genetic test back and will also find out what gender it is... all I can think about is what if the placenta comes off when I’m 4..5..6..7 months scary thought.. but baby does still have a heart beat I need to try to stay positive.
Hi, I just had the same thing happen to me and I’m freaking out, I called the hospital and they said they can’t see me until Monday. Did everything turn out good for you, was the blood clot “normal”?
Heya ,what about you ,is all good with you ?
I really don’t want to scare you but I lost the baby may 27th I had blood behind my cervix and I went into labor at 3 months and lost him. We cremated him named him Christopher. This by all means does not mean it’ll happen to you!! Stay positive and don’t do too much! Hugs
I’m so sorry for your loss, I went into preterm labor last April at 25 weeks. I’m now 12 weeks and so far so good, how many weeks where you?
U had ur baby at 25week? I think am going through the same this. Am 14 weeks when to the bathroom saw a small amount of blood with clot, went straight to my doc the same Day. I did an ultrasound n the baby was good however there was a space between my cervix n the placenta...doc said I should take it easy n put me on bed rest. Blood had stop the same Day but am super stressed that I might be having a miscarriage. No pain or cramps just the right side of my tummy feels a lil stiff and I think I might be laying on that side too much that cause it. Am just here hoping for the best.
Did it happen after intercourse? They told me it was that, I’m now 20 wks and everything is good 🙏🏼. I hope it goes good for you too. I’m off sex for now, due to causing me to bleed and I freak out so I’m just off of it.
Am so happy ur doing better. No it didn't happen after sex. I think I lift a bag that was much heavier than I taught that's the only thing I did that I can remember.
I’m currently experiencing this now and I’ve been super worried and been having a little lower back pain please help me through this !! Did you have back pain after intercourse as well while you were bleeding ?
Aloha Desidel, I have had the exact same thing happen to me except I had checked the pee stick earlier in the day and it came out negative. My boyfriend and I were having rough sex and I think I got a tear. I started bleeding a lot then soon came the blood clots as big as my palm. So right then I assumed that it was something different but I don’t know. I’m super confused rn.
Hi . I am also currently experiencing that, happen just after sex with clots cramps and a belly button pain . Going to the dr tomorrow finger crossed.