Yesterday, 10/21/2015, was my 46th birthday. That evening I started to show signs of slight bleeding. Of course, I freaked out a little, but I'm doing ok now. This morning, I woke up still bleeding. I'm cramping just a little, but no bad. I'm going to see my GP today. I'm just hoping that is a normal thing that happens in the 1st trimester. I've had 2 miscarriages before, so I know what that feels like. This is nothing like that at all. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before, as well? Would love to hear from you. I came across this, this morning. Just thought I would share. Trying to be positive.♥
** --- Possible Cause #1: Breakthrough Bleeding Some women experience what is known as ‘breakthrough bleeding’, at the times when a period would have normally been due, at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is often accompanied by the feeling that you would normally associate with your period being imminent, i.e. back ache, cramps, a heavy sensation in your pelvis, feeling bloated and ‘off’. Of course, because you are actually pregnant, the period doesn’t arrive (even though you feel like it will). During pregnancy, hormones prevent your period from occurring. Sometimes, if the hormone levels are not yet high enough to stop your period, the result is breakthrough bleeding. It can last for about three months; after this time the placenta begins to take over hormone production from the ovaries. Some women experiencing breakthrough bleeding throughout their pregnancy, even under the close watch of their doctor, still have healthy babies.**
I can relate to this, because of the fact that I'm still showing low HCG levels. Meaning, I'm still having negative HPT's as well as, a negative blood test, that was taken at only 2 1/2 weeks. I will have another blood test done today, at my appointment. ♥