Hi everyone,
I came off the pill late December/early January as we are trying for a baby. During my 5 years on the pill I had no periods at all, and so I imagined my first period to be horrific. At the start of March I had brown blood when wiping and assumed this was the start of my period and prepared myself for the pain to come. One of the main reasons why I went on the pill was because of severe cramps that in some cases used to cause me to pass out.
However there was no pain whatsoever, and the brown blood was lighter each time I went to the toilet. This was on the 2nd March. But then a few days later I woke up with a lot of period blood with clots in it. This again slowed down a few days later, and I started wiping brown old blood again, this was the 7th March.
I now however, wake up with brown blood, have dark red blood during the day and then brown again at night. I’ve never had a period like this in my life, and have now been bleeding for exactly 2 weeks. I understood that my body would probably need to adapt back to having regular periods again but I’m just thrown off by the thought that I have no period pain at all.
Just wondered if this had happened to anyone else who came off the pill after so long or whether I should be concerned. I’m thinking of going to see the nurse next week if nothing has changed.
Thank you for reading x