Just an update, had my bloods taken, I had my cervix examined this morning which was found to be closed and was sent round for an internal ultrasound and they’re unable to locate the baby... I’m still having pains like a burning sensation and bleeding with clots... they are now looking out for warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy... I have to go back for more bloods on Thursday to see where my hcg levels are at... as it stands they have classed me as pregnant - unknown location... it’s really not looking positive for me and I’m so worried about it being ectopic! Has anyone else experienced this?
Update to previous post - pregnancy u... - Pregnancy and Par...
Update to previous post - pregnancy unknown location

Hi at a 9w scan said they couldn’t find the pregnancy just an abnormal sac so they did 3 lots of blood 2 days apart hcg was still rising went back after a week and had to do another trans vag scan took quite a while looking for a yolk sac the size of a dot eventually found it in the sac I had to wait another 2w and they were hoping it would develop but it didn’t I had on and off bleeding no clots I had a Mva a week later as it had been going on for weeks. It was my 3rd mc all were a bit different.

Hi, I’m Really sorry to hear that! 😕 I was still trying to hold on to hope but I think I haven’t got any hope left I’m in so much pain, the bleeding is intermittent but the pain is intense! They haven’t been able to locate the pregnancy and have really worried me about it being ectopic and have sent me with a list of what to look out for’s and said any changes I need to go straight in ... just going out of my mind 😭
Hope u r ok x

Hi, I’ve had a confirmed MC my levels were 640 on Monday then down at 200 yesterday, got to have some more bloods tomorrow... 😭 heads all over the place, but I knew this was the outcome already. X
Did they scan u again to find the pregnancy? Are u still having pains?

Yeah, they’ve said my cervix is showing irregularities which coincide with bleeding and that the pregnancy was located within my womb but I’ve lost it. Still having bad pains but have now been given codeine to help manage this. I’m devastated but knew this would be the case x
Aww 😢 it is awful look after yourself and your partner, big hugs xx