Brief history; 2 live children, 2 chemical pregnancies, late loss at 20 weeks pregnant last year.
So I conceived straight after a chemical pregnancy without waiting for my period. Had also ovulated later in my cycle- around day 17/18 ( saw my lh surge day 16)
Would falling after a chemical without waiting for a period affect my pregnancy dates? And ovulating later?
My cervix is fully closed.
I had spotting but I spot every pregnancy. No cramping and no heavy bleeding.
They couldn't see a sac but couldn't see a ectopic pregnancy either.
I had a positive urine test there and I did my first HCG blood test and having one tomorrow.
Said I haven't miscarried yet, I could still miscarry and can't be sure it's not an ectopic pregnancy ( I don't have the symptoms of one)
Has anyone else had this and had a successful pregnancy?
I feel so confused. Pregnancy symptoms are still very strong.